3.2 Package Declaration (DEC) Definitions
This section defines content and format of a package declaration file. The
section must appear before any other section except the <Header>
comment block. (The header, when specified, is always the first section of a
DEC file.) The remaining sections may be specified in any order within the DEC
The EDK II Package Declaration (DEC) file has the following format (using the EBNF).
<EDK_II_DEC> ::= <Header>?
3.2.1 Common Definitions
The following are common definitions used by multiple section types in EDK II
metadata documents. Not all of the definitions below pertain to entries in the
DEC file (for example, <Expression>
statements are not permitted).
<Word> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9_)(a-zA-Z0-9_-.)* Alphanumeric characters
with optional period ".", dash "-" and/or underscore
"_" characters. A period character may not be
followed by another period character.
No white space characters are permitted.
<SimpleWord> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9)(a-zA-Z0-9_-)* A word that cannot contain
a period character.
<ToolWord> ::= (A-Z)(a-zA-Z0-9)* Alphanumeric characters. white
space characters are not permitted.
<FileSep> ::= "/"
<Extension> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9_-)+ One or more alphanumeric characters.
<File> ::= <Word> ["." <Extension>]
<PATH> ::= [<MACROVAL> <FileSep>] <RelativePath>
<RelativePath> ::= <DirName> [<FileSep> <DirName>]*
<DirName> ::= {<Word>} {<MACROVAL>}
<FullFilename> ::= <PATH> <FileSep> <File>
<Filename> ::= [<PATH> <FileSep>] <File>
<Chars> ::= (a-zA-Z0-9_)
<Digit> ::= (0-9)
<NonDigit> ::= (a-zA-Z_)
<Identifier> ::= <NonDigit> <Chars>*
<CName> ::= <Identifier> # A valid C variable name.
<CArrayName> ::= <Identifier>["["[<Number>]"]"]+ # A valid C variable array name.
<AsciiChars> ::= (0x21 - 0x7E)
<CChars> ::= [{0x21} {(0x23 - 0x26)} {(0x28 - 0x5B)}
{(0x5D - 0x7E)} {<EscapeSequence>}]*
<DblQuote> ::= 0x22
<SglQuote> ::= 0x27
<EscapeSequence> ::= "\" {"n"} {"t"} {"f"} {"r"} {"b"} {"0"} {"\"}
{<DblQuote>} {<SglQuote>}
<TabSpace> ::= {<Tab>} {<Space>}
<TS> ::= <TabSpace>*
<MTS> ::= <TabSpace>+
<Tab> ::= 0x09
<Space> ::= 0x20
<CR> ::= 0x0D
<LF> ::= 0x0A
<CRLF> ::= <CR> <LF>
<WhiteSpace> ::= {<TS>} {<CR>} {<LF>} {<CRLF>}
<WS> ::= <WhiteSpace>*
<Eq> ::= <TS> "=" <TS>
<FieldSeparator> ::= "|"
<FS> ::= <TS> <FieldSeparator> <TS>
<Wildcard> ::= "*"
<CommaSpace> ::= "," <Space>*
<Cs> ::= "," <Space>*
<AsciiString> ::= [ <TS>* <AsciiChars>* ]*
<EmptyString> ::= <DblQuote><DblQuote>
<CFlags> ::= <AsciiString>
<PrintChars> ::= {<TS>} {<CChars>}
<QuotedString> ::= <DblQuote> <PrintChars>* <DblQuote>
<SglQuotedString> ::= <SglQuote> <PrintChars>* <SglQuote>
<CString> ::= {<QuotedString>} {<SglQuotedString>}
<NormalizedString> ::= <DblQuote> [{<Word>} {<Space>}]+ <DblQuote>
<GlobalComment> ::= <WS> "#" [<TS> <AsciiString>] <EOL>+
<Comment> ::= "#" <TS> <AsciiString> <EOL>+
<UnicodeString> ::= "L" {<QuotedString>} {<SglQuotedString>}
<HexDigit> ::= (a-fA-F0-9)
<HexByte> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} [<HexDigit>] <HexDigit>
<HexNumber> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <HexDigit>+
<HexVersion> ::= "0x" [0]* <Major> <Minor>
<Major> ::= <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>?
<Minor> ::= <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<DecimalVersion> ::= {"0"} {(1-9) [(0-9)]*} ["." (0-9)+]
<VersionVal> ::= {<HexVersion>} {(0-9)+ "." (0-99)}
<GUID> ::= {<RegistryFormatGUID>} {<CFormatGUID>}
<RegistryFormatGUID> ::= <RHex8> "-" <RHex4> "-" <RHex4> "-" <RHex4> "-"
<RHex4> ::= <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<RHex8> ::= <RHex4> <RHex4>
<RHex12> ::= <RHex4> <RHex4> <RHex4>
<RawH2> ::= <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>
<RawH4> ::= <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>
<OptRawH4> ::= <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>?
<Hex2> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <RawH2>
<Hex4> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <RawH4>
<Hex8> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <OptRawH4> <RawH4>
<Hex12> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <OptRawH4> <OptRawH4> <RawH4>
<Hex16> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <OptRawH4> <OptRawH4> <OptRawH4>
<CFormatGUID> ::= "{" <Hex8> <CommaSpace> <Hex4> <CommaSpace>
<Hex4> <CommaSpace> "{"
<Hex2> <CommaSpace> <Hex2> <CommaSpace>
<Hex2> <CommaSpace> <Hex2> <CommaSpace>
<Hex2> <CommaSpace> <Hex2> <CommaSpace>
<Hex2> <CommaSpace> <Hex2> "}" "}"
<CArray> ::= "{" {<NList>} {<CArray>} "}"
<NList> ::= <HexByte>
[<CommaSpace> <HexByte>]*
<RawData> ::= <TS> <Number> [<Cs> <Number> [<EOL> <TS>]]*
<Integer> ::= {(0-9)} {(1-9)(0-9)+}
<Number> ::= {<Integer>} {<HexNumber>}
<TRUE> ::= {"TRUE"} {"true"} {"True"} {"0x1"}
{"0x01"} {"1"}
<FALSE> ::= {"FALSE"} {"false"} {"False"} {"0x0"}
{"0x00"} {"0"}
<BoolVal> ::= {<TRUE>} {<FALSE>}
<BoolType> ::= {<BoolVal>} {"{"<BoolVal>"}"}
<MACRO> ::= (A-Z)(A-Z0-9_)*
<MACROVAL> ::= "$(" <MACRO> ")"
<PcdName> ::= <TokenSpaceGuidCName> "." <PcdCName>
<PcdFieldName> ::= <TokenSpaceGuidCName> "." <PcdCName> ["["<Number>"]"]* "." <Field>
<PcdCName> ::= <CName>
<TokenSpaceGuidCName> ::= <CName>
<PcdFieldEntry> ::= <PcdFieldName> <FS> <PcdFieldValue> <EOL>
<PcdFieldValue> ::= {<BoolType>} {<NumValUint8>} {<NumValUint16>} {<NumValUint32>} {<NumValUint64>} {<StringVal>} {<MACROVAL>} {<Expression>}
<UINT8> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} (\x0 - \xFF)
<UINT16> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} (\x0 - \xFFFF)
<UINT32> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} (\x0 - \xFFFFFFFF)
<UINT64> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} (\x0 - \xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF)
<UINT8z> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<UINT16z> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<UINT32z> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<UINT64z> ::= {"0x"} {"0X"} <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<ShortNum> ::= (0-255)
<IntNum> ::= (0-65535)
<LongNum> ::= (0-4294967295)
<LongLongNum> ::= (0-18446744073709551615)
<ValUint8> ::= {<ShortNum>} {<UINT8>} {<BoolVal>}
{<CString>} {<UnicodeString>}
<ValUint16> ::= {<IntNum>} {<UINT16>} {<BoolVal>}
{<CString>} {<UnicodeString>}
<ValUint32> ::= {<LongNum>} {<UINT32>} {<BoolVal>}
{<CString>} {<UnicodeString>}
<ValUint64> ::= {<LongLongNum>} {<UINT64>} {<BoolVal>}
{<CString>} {<UnicodeString>}
<NumValUint8> ::= {<ValUint8>} {"{"<ValUint8>"}"}
<NumValUint16> ::= {<ValUint16>}
{"{"<ValUint8> [<CommaSpace> <ValUint8>]*"}"}
<NumValUint32> ::= {<ValUint32>}
{"{"<ValUint8> [<CommaSpace> <ValUint8>]*"}"}
<NumValUint64> ::= {<ValUint64>}
{"{"<ValUint8> [<CommaSpace> <ValUint8>]*"}"}
<StringVal> ::= {<UnicodeString>} {<CString>} {<Array>}
<Array> ::= "{" {<Array>} {[<Lable>] <ArrayVal>
[<CommaSpace> [<Lable>] <ArrayVal>]* } "}"
<ArrayVal> ::= {<Num8Array>} {<GuidStr>} {<DevicePath>} {<CodeStr>}
<NonNumType> ::= {<BoolVal>}{<UnicodeString>} {<CString>}
{<Offset>} {<UintMac>}
<Num8Array> ::= {<NonNumType>} {<ShortNum>} {<UINT8>}
<Num16Array> ::= {<NonNumType>} {<IntNum>} {<UINT16>}
<Num32Array> ::= {<NonNumType>} {<LongNum>} {<UINT32>}
<Num64Array> ::= {<NonNumType>} {<LongLongNum>} {<UINT64>}
<GuidStr> ::= "GUID(" <GuidVal> ")"
<CodeStr> ::= "CODE(" <CData> ")"
<GuidVal> ::= {<DblQuote> <RegistryFormatGUID> <DblQuote>}
{<CFormatGUID>} {<CName>}
<DevicePath> ::= "DEVICE_PATH(" <DevicePathStr> ")"
<DevicePathStr> ::= A double quoted string that follow the device path
as string format defined in UEFI Specification 2.6
Section 9.6
<UintMac> ::= {<Uint8Mac>} {<Uint16Mac>} {<Uint32Mac>} {<Uint64Mac>}
<Uint8Mac> ::= "UINT8(" <Num8Array> ")"
<Uint16Mac> ::= "UINT16(" <Num16Array> ")"
<Uint32Mac> ::= "UINT32(" <Num32Array> ")"
<Uint64Mac> ::= "UINT64(" <Num64Array> ")"
<Lable> ::= "LABEL(" <CName> ")"
<Offset> ::= "OFFSET_OF(" <CName> ")"
<ModuleType> ::= {"BASE"} {"SEC"} {"PEI_CORE"} {"PEIM"}
<ModuleTypeList> ::= <ModuleType> [" " <ModuleType>]*
<IdentifierName> ::= <TS> {<MACROVAL>} {<PcdName>} <TS>
<Boolean> ::= {<BoolType>} {<Expression>}
<EOL> ::= <TS> 0x0D 0x0A
<OA> ::= (a-zA-Z)(a-zA-Z0-9)*
<arch> ::= {"IA32"} {"X64"} {"IPF"} {"EBC"} {<OA>}
Note: When using CString, UnicodeString or byte array format as UINT8/UINT16/UINT32/UINT64 values, please make sure they fit in the target type's size, otherwise tool would report failure.
Note: LABEL() macro in byte arrays to tag the byte offset of a location in a byte array. OFFSET_OF() macro in byte arrays that returns the byte offset of a LABEL() declared in a byte array.
Note: When using the characters "|" or "||" in an expression, the expression must be encapsulated in open "(" and close ")" parenthesis.
Note: Comments may appear anywhere within a DEC file, provided they follow the rules that a comment may not be enclosed within Section headers, and that in line comments must appear at the end of a statement.
Expression syntax is defined the EDK II Expression Syntax Specification.
An expression that evaluates to a number that fits the datum types of the other
elements, For example, if one of the other elements is a UINT8
, then the
expression must evaluate to a value that is byte. It is recommended that all
parameters be typecast to UINT64
values before any operation performed, then
the result can be tested to ensure that the datum size of the result is
correct. PCD names can be used as parameters, and the value of the PCD is used
for evaluation purposes. Any result that exceeds the size of the datum type
must break the build.
Note: Circular references (self-references are tight circular references) must cause a build break.
When the <UnicodeString>
element (these characters are string literals as
defined by the C99 specification: L"string"/L'string', not actual Unicode
characters) is included in a value, the build tools may be required to expand
the ASCII string between the quotation marks into a valid UCS-2 character format
string. The build tools parser must treat all content between the field separators
(excluding white space characters around the field separators) as ASCII literal
content when generating the AutoGen.c and AutoGen.h files.
Strings that appear in comments may be ignored by the build tools. An ASCII
string matching the format of the ASCII string defined by <UnicodeString>
(L"Foo" for example,) that appears in a comment must never be expanded by any
CFlags refers to a string of valid arguments appended to the command line of any third party or provided tool. It is not limited to just a compiler executable tool. MACRO values that appear in quoted strings in CFlags content must not be expanded by parsing tools.
Other Architecture - One or more user defined target architectures, such as ARM or PPC. The architectures listed here must have a corresponding entry in the EDK II meta-data file, Conf/tools_def.txt.
FileSep refers to either the back slash "\" or forward slash "/" characters
that are used to separate directory names. All EDK II DEC files must use the
" forward slash character when specifying the directory portion of a
filename. Microsoft operating systems, that normally use a back slash character
for separating directory names, will interpret the forward slash character
All C data arrays used in PCD value fields must be byte arrays. The C format
GUID style is a special case that is permitted in some fields that use the
All C data used in PCD value CODE syntax can be C style value to initialize C structure or Array in C source code.
The DOS End Of Line: "0x0D 0x0A" character sequence must be used for all EDK II meta-data files. All Nix based tools can properly process the DOS EOL characters. Microsoft based tools cannot process the Nix style EOL characters.
3.2.2 MACROs
Use of MACRO statements is optional.
Macro statements are characterize by a DEFINE
line. Macro statements in DEC
files are only permitted to describe a path (shortcut name). If the Macro
statement is within the [Defines]
section, then the Macro is common to the
entire file, with local definitions taking precedence (if the same MACRO name
is used in subsequent sections, then the MACRO value is local to only that
Macro statements in comments must also be ignored by parsing tools.
Macros may not be referenced before they are defined.
A previously defined macro is permitted to be used as $(MACRO) in the right side of a different Macro (in the value) statement.
Macro names must not use the name of the tokens defined in this file, such as
PACKAGE_GUID is defined as a token in the [Defines]
section of this document,
and therefore cannot be used as the <MACRO>
name in a <MacroDefinition>
statements, <MACRO>
If the tools encounters a macroval, as in $(MACRO), that is not defined, the build tools must break.
<MacroDefinition> ::= <TS> "DEFINE" <TS> <MACRO> <Eq> [<Value>] <EOL>
<Value> ::= {<PATH>} {<Filename>}
DEFINE GEN_SKU_DIR = MyPlatformPkg/GenPei
DEFINE SKU1_Dir = MyPlatformPkg/Sku1/Pei
DEFINE LIB = Include/Library
Any part of the path line can be replaced by a MACRO as shown in the following table.
Table 1 MACRO Usages
DEFINE MY_MACRO = test1 | $(MY_MACRO)/test2/test3.inf |
DEFINE MY_MACRO = test1/ | $(MY_MACRO)test2/test3.inf |
DEFINE MY_MACRO = test3.inf | test1/test2/$(MY_MACRO) |
DEFINE MY_MACRO = test3 | test1/test2/$(MY_MACRO).inf |
DEFINE MY_MACRO = test1/test2/test3.inf | $(MY_MACRO) |
3.2.3 Conditional Statements
The conditional statements are not permitted anywhere within the DEC file.
3.2.4 !include Statement
The !include statement is not permitted in an EDK II DEC file.
3.2.5 !error Statement
The !error
statement is not permitted in an EDK II DEC file.
3.2.6 Special Comment Blocks
This section defines special format comment blocks that contain information about this package. These command blocks are not required.
The UEFI Distribution Package Specification states the for a given PCD Token Space, Error numbers must be unique. Since there may be multiple PCD that may have identical error types, an error number with an associated error message may be shared. The syntax described here can be used by tools to map these error numbers by a token space GUID C name. These comment blocks must appear before content might be used (in later sections of the DEC file).
<ErrNoBlock> ::= <TS> "#" <EOL>
<TS> "#" <MTS> "[Error." <TSpaceGuidCName> "]" <EOL>
[<TS> "#" <MTS> <UINT32> <FS> <AsciiString> <EOL>]+
<TS> "#" <EOL>+
# [Error.gEfiIntelFrameworkModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid]
# 0x80000001 | Invalid value provided.
# 0x80000002 | Reserved bits must be set to zero.