3.10 PCD Sections
These are optional sections. However, if modules in this package's directory tree use a PCD that is not declared in other DEC files, then the package creator must list the PCD in this file.
Defines the PCDs section tags in the DEC files.
There are five defined PCD access method types. Do not confuse these access
types with the data types of the PCDs. The five access method types are:
, PcdsFixedAtBuild
, PcdsPatchableInModule
, PcdsDynamic
and PcdsDynamicEx
. The PCD is used to define potential values that a module
might be coded against, and if a module uses the access methods for
, then the platform can define the final usage. PCDs listed as
or PcdsDynamicEx
will only have one value in the final binary
image - the PEI and DXE PCD Drivers that maintain these values use a single
database for all architectures, with a unique value for a PCD (identified by
the Token Space GUID value and the Token Number).
If a PCD is only listed under a PcdsFixedAtBuild
or PcdsPatchableInModule
then modules are restricted, and cannot be coded to use either of the dynamic
PCD access methods.
Using the "common
" architectural modifier is exactly the same as specifying a
PCD section type without an architectural modifier. A PCD listed in an INF or
DSC file which uses an architectural modifier may be listed in the 'common
section in the DEC file; it is not required to list PCDs in architectural
sections in the DEC. If a PCD is only listed under a section with an
architectural modifier that is not 'common', then it may only be used by
modules build for that specific architecture.
Each PCD entry must be listed only once per section. If a PCD is listed more than once within one section, the last entry takes precedence.
The PCD values in this file are the default values. Default values listed in architectural sections override default values specified in a 'common' architectural section. The EDK II build system allows these values may be overridden by default values in the INF files (provided all INF files use the same default value for PCDs that are used by multiple modules) and by values specified in the DSC or FDF file. A PCD's Datum type cannot be changed for different access methods, only one datum type is permitted.
PCD entries may be put into any or all PCD section types except
The use of a <MACROVAL>
element in this section is prohibited.
The Token number specified in a PCD entry is used in code (auto-generated files
by the EDK II build system), along with the Token Space GUID value to uniquely
identify a given PCD. The Token number must be identical for every entry of a
PCD in this file (using a different token number for a PCD listed in
and PcdsDynamicEx
sections for example, will result in a build
PCDs listed in PcdsFeatureFlag
sections must only be listed in
<PCDs> ::= <PcdSections>*
<PcdSections> ::= {<PcdFeature>} {<PcdOther>}
<PcdFeature> ::= <FFSectionTag> <FFEntries>*
<FFEntries> ::= ["##" <TS> <PcdDescription>]
[<TS> <Prompt>]
[{<List>} {<Express>}]
<TS> <PcdBool>
<FFSectionTag> ::= "[" "PcdsFeatureFlag" [<com_FFattribs>} "]" <EOL>
<com_FFattribs> ::= {".common"} {<FFattribs>}
<FFattribs> ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "PcdsFeatureFlag" <attrs>]*
<PcdOther> ::= "[" <PcdType> [<com_or_attribs>] "]" <EOL>
<PcdType> ::= {"PcdsPatchableInModule"} {"PcdsFixedAtBuild"}
{"PcdsDynamic"} {"PcdsDynamicEx"}
<com_or_attribs> ::= {<com_attribs>} {<attribs>}
<com_attribs> ::= [".common"] ["," <TS> <PcdType> [".common"]]*
<attribs> ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> <PcdType> <attrs>]*
<attrs> ::= "." <arch>
<PcdEntries> ::= ["##" <TS> <PcdDescription>]
[<TS> <Prompt>]
[<DoxComment>] <PcdEntry>
<PcdEntry> ::= <TS> {<PcdBool>} {<PcdNumEntry>} {<PcdPtr>} {<PcdStruct>} {<PcdFieldValue>}
<PcdNumEntry> ::= {<Pcd8>} {<Pcd16>} {<Pcd32>} {<Pcd64>}
<PcdBool> ::= <PcdName> <FS> <BoolPcd> <FS> <Token> <CbOrEol>
<BoolPcd> ::= <Boolean> <FS> "BOOLEAN"
<CbOrEol> ::= {<CommentBlock>} {<EOL>}
<Pcd8> ::= <PcdName> <FS> <PcdUint8> <FS> <Token> <CbOrEol>
<PcdUint8> ::= {<NumValUint8>} {<Expression>} <FS> "UINT8"
<Pcd16> ::= <PcdName> <FS> <PcdUint16> <FS> <Token> <CbOrEol>
<PcdUint16> ::= {<NumValUint16>} {<Expression>} <FS> "UINT16"
<Pcd32> ::= <PcdName> <FS> <PcdUint32> <FS> <Token> <CbOrEol>
<PcdUint32> ::= {<NumValUint32>} {<Expression>} <FS> "UINT32"
<Pcd64> ::= <PcdName> <FS> <PcdUint64> <FS> <Token> <CbOrEol>
<PcdUint64> ::= {<NumValUint64>} {<Expression>} <FS> "UINT64"
<PcdStruct> ::= <PcdName> <FS> <PtrVal> <FS> <CName> <FS> <Token> "{" <EOL>
<TS> <PcdStructHF>
<TS> <PcdStructPKGs> "}" <CbOrEol>
<PcdStructHF> ::= "<HeaderFile>" <EOL> <PcdStructFile>
<PcdStructPKGs> ::= "<Packages>" <EOL> <PcdStructFile>*
<PcdStructFile> ::= <Filename> <EOL>
<PcdPtr> ::= <PcdName> <FS> <PcdPtrVal> <FS> <Token> <CbOrEol>
<PcdPtrVal> ::= <PtrVal> <FS> "VOID*"
<PtrVal> ::= {<StringVal>} {<Expression>}
<Token> ::= {<LongNum>} {<UINT32>}
<DoxComment> ::= <TS> {<Range>+} {<List>} {<Express>+}
<Prompt> ::= "#" <TS> "@Prompt <MTS> <AsciiString> <EOL>
<Range> ::= "#" <TS> "@ValidRange" <TS> <ERangeValues> <EOL>
<ERangeValues> ::= [<ErrorCode> <TS>] <RangeValues>
<List> ::= "#" <TS> "@ValidList" <TS> <EValidValueList> <EOL>
<EValidValueList> ::= [<ErrorCode> <TS>] <ValidValueList>
<Express> ::= "#" <TS> "@Expression" <TS> <EExpression> <EOL>
<EExpression> ::= [<ErrorCode> <TS>] <Expression>
<ErrorCode> ::= <NumValUint32> <FS>
<PcdDescription> ::= <AsciiString> <EOL>
[<TS> "#" <AsciiString> <EOL>]*
<CommentBlock> ::= <TS> "##" <TS> <ModuleTypeList> {<Comment>} {<EOL>}
<RangeValues> ::= {<ValidRange>} {<RangeExpress>}
<RngOp> ::= <TS> {"AND"} {"and"} {"OR"} {"or"} <TS>
<RangeExpress> ::= {"(" <ValidRng> ")" <RngOp> "(" <ValidRng> ")"}
{"NOT" <TS> "(" <ValidRng> ")"}
<ValidRng> ::= ["NOT" <TS>] "(" <ValidRangeIn> ")"
<ValidRangeIn> ::= ["NOT" <TS>] {<Integer> <TS> "-" <TS> <Integer>}
{<HexValue> <TS> "-" <TS> <HexValue>}
{"LT" <TS> {<Integer>} {<HexValue>}}
{"GT" <TS> {<Integer>} {<HexValue>}}
{"LE" <TS> {<Integer>} {<HexValue>}}
{"GE" <TS> {<Integer>} {<HexValue>}}
{"XOR" <TS> {<Integer>} {<HexValue>}}
{"EQ" <TS> {<Integer>} {<HexValue>}}
<ValidValueList> ::= <Number> ["," <TS> <Number>]*
The expression in the @Expression entry must evaluate to True in order for the value to be valid.
This is required to be an in-fix logical expression, evaluated left to right, for a range of values, using Relational, Equality and Logical Operators (LT, LE, GT, GE.) The forms PcdCName and/or PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName.PcdCName are permitted. Parentheses are recommended for clarity. Since there may be different error numbers associated with valid ranges (one for less than, another for greater than) more than one ValidRange entry is permitted.
This value, if specified corresponds to the ErrorNumber of an Error Message
defined in a UEFI PI Distribution Package. Each error number is related to a
single error message (translations of message text are not considered as
separate error messages), with the text of error messages included in the
Unicode file specified in the PACKAGE_UNI_FILE
element in the [Defines]
Each PCD declared within a token space (defined by the Token Space GUID) must be assigned a unique 32-bit value. This token number and an optional token space GUID are used in code for accessing a PCD's value.
This value, if specified corresponds to the ErrorNumber of an Error Message defined in a UEFI PI Distribution Package. Each error number is related to a single error message.
Each PCD declared within a token space (defined by the Token Space GUID) must be assigned a unique 32-bit value. This token number and an optional token space GUID are used in code for accessing a PCD's value.
It is permissible to list a PCD entry under common and under a specific architecture.
It is permissible to specify PCD entries under all architectures except
" if different default values may be required for different
architectures. The tools must use architectural specific recommended values
over recommended values listed in the common sections. This technique is
permitted to allow unique recommendations for individual architectures.
It is not permissible to list command modifier and an architectural modifier in a section header. The following example is not permitted:
[PcdsPatchableInModule.IA32, PcdPatchableInModule.common]
It is permissible to specify multiple architectures for like PcdType items in the same section header. For example:
[PcdsFeatureFlag.IA32, PcdsFeatureFlag.X64]
It is permissible to mix PcdsPatchableInModule, PcdsFixed, PcdsDynamic and PcdsDynamicEx PcdType elements within an architecture section. For example:
[PcdsPatchableInModule.IA32, PcdsFixedAtBuild.IA32]
The PcdsFeatureFlag
PcdType may not be mixed with any other PcdType elements
in the section header. The following example is NOT VALID:
[PcdsFeatureFlag.IA32, PcdsFixedAtBuild.IA32]
While allowed by this specification, it is not recommended to mix different
PcdType.architecture values in a single section. The following example is valid, but not recommended:
[PcdsDynamicEx.IA32, PcdsFixedAtBuild.X64, PcdPatchableInModule.IPF]
Refer to the PI Specification for more information.
# PCD Declarations section - list of all PCDs Declared by this package
# Only this package should be providing the
# declaration, other packages should not.
## If TRUE, the component name protocol will not be installed.
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdComponentNameDisable | FALSE |BOOLEAN | 0x0000000d
## If TRUE, the driver diagnostics protocol will not be installed.
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDriverDiagnosticsDisable | FALSE |BOOLEAN | 0x0000000e
## Indicates the maximum length of unicode string
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaximumUnicodeStringLength |1000000 | UINT32 | 0x00000001
## Indicates the maximum length of ascii string
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaximumAsciiStringLength | 1000000 |UINT32 | 0x00000002
## Indicates the maximum node number of linked list
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaximumLinkedListLength | 1000000 |UINT32 | 0x00000003
[PcdsFixedAtBuild.common, PcdsPatchableInModule.common] ## This flag is used to control the printout of DebugLib
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0x80000000 |UINT32 | 0x00000006
## Indicates the allowable maximum number in extract handler table
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdMaximumGuidedExtractHandler | 0x10 |UINT32 | 0x00000025
## This flag is used to control the printout of DebugLib
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdIoBlockBaseAddressForIpf |0x0ffffc00000 | UINT64 | 0x0000000c
[PcdsFixedAtBuild, PcdsPatchableInModule, PcdsDynamic, PcdsDynamicEx] ## This value is used to set the base address of pci express hierarchy
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPciExpressBaseAddress | 0xE0000000 |UINT64 | 0x0000000a
## Default current ISO 639-2 language: English & French
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUefiVariableDefaultLangCodes |"engfraengfra" | VOID* | 0x0000001c
## Default current ISO 639-2 language: English
gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdUefiVariableDefaultLang | "eng" |VOID* | 0x0000001d
Note: In the above example, the backslash character is used to show a line continuation for readability. Use of a backslash character in the actual DEC file is not permitted.