Checklist for Platform Developers
PCR, Measurement and Attestation
General Guideline
1.1.1. Use an even PCR for code measurement in general.
1.1.2. Use an odd PCR for data measurement in general.
1.1.3. Do NOT record data that that are dynamic and changeable across the boot, such as system clock, fan speed, boot count, system reset reason, battery power, a nonce value, a pointer, etc.
1.1.4. Do NOT record the instance of specific information that may be used to unique identify a system, such as an asset tag, a serial number, etc.
1.1.5. Do NOT record any privacy sensitive information.
1.2.1. Do configure PcdTcgPfpMeasurementRevision to select TCG PFP compliance revision.
1.2.2. Do configure PcdFirmwareVersionString to a valid Unicode string for version, so that it can be measured.
1.2.3. Do report all FV information in PEI, so that all of them can be measured.
1.2.4. Do install EFI_PEI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_INFO_MEASUREMENT_EXCLUDED_PPI for the FV that is ready measured.
1.2.5. Do measure individual non-FV component, if it is loaded from the platform firmware.
1.2.6. Do NOT update the loaded component before measuring it.
1.2.7. Do measure the non-host platform information using EV_NONHOST_INFO, if it exists.
1.2.8. Do measure the non-host platform component using EV_NONHOST_CODE if it can only be updated by the platform firmware.
1.3.1. Do measure Microcode.
1.3.2. Do measure SMBIOS table after filtering changeable data or instance data.
1.3.3. Do measure "Entering ROM Based Setup" with EV_ACTION for a setup utility.
1.3.4. Do measure security related configuration data from non-volatile storage, such as UEFI setup variable, or CMOS.
1.3.5. Do measure the hardware device list with EV_TABLE_OF_DEVICES.
1.3.6. Do measure the non-host platform configuration using EV_NONHOST_CONFIG if it can only be updated by the platform firmware.
1.4.1. Do link DxeTpm2MeasureBootLib as LAST NULL instance lib for SecurityStubDxe.inf in a DSC file.
1.4.2. Do measure the non-host platform component using EV_NONHOST_CODE if it can be updated by entities other than the platform firmware.
1.4.3. Do measure SPDM-capable device hardware or firmware use EV_EFI_SPDM_FIRMWARE_BLOB.
1.5.1. Do measure "Entering ROM Based Setup" with EV_ACTION for a UEFI application based setup utility.
1.5.2. Do measure the non-host platform configuration using EV_NONHOST_CONFIG if it can be updated by entities other than the platform firmware.
1.5.3. Do measure SPDM-capable device hardware configuration or firmware configuration use EV_EFI_SPDM_FIRMWARE_CONFIG.
1.6.1. Do measure the additional pre-OS code loaded by an UEFI application the using EV_COMPACT_HASH.
1.7.1 Do measure the additional data configuration related to the UEFI application.
1.9.1. Do measure security configuration if it exits. (It means the whole policy.)
1.9.2. Do measure security authority if it exits. (It means the specific policy which is used to verify the component.)
1.9.3. Do measure the security feature disabling event, such as "UEFI Debug Mode", "DMA Protection Disabled".
1.10.1. Do record startup locality event, if an ACM starts the TPM.
TPM Device Startup
Device Selection
2.1.1. Do NOT support TPM1.2.
2.1.2. Do choose a proper Tcg2Config driver for device selection, such as Tcg2Config or platform specific one.
2.1.3. Do set PcdTpmInstanceGuid directly after the TPM device selection.
2.1.4. Do set PcdTpm2InitializationPolicy if the TPM device is started.
TPM Device Interface
2.2.1. Do link proper Tpm2DeviceLib to Tcg2Dxe.inf and Tcg2Pei.inf in platform DSC, such as Tpm2DeviceLibDTpm or other TPM device such as I2C.
Error Handling
2.3.1. Do register a ReportStatusCode callback handler to process the TPM error, if the platform wants to reset system, or disable the TPM hardware on error.
TCG Physical Presence
3.1.1. Do call Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLibNeedUserConfirm() and Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLibProcessRequest() in the platform BDS before EndOfDxe.
3.1.2. Do connect all trusted consoles if Tcg2PhysicalPresenceLibNeedUserConfirm() is TRUE.
TPM Bank Selection
3.2.1. Do choose HashLibBaseCryptoRouter if the platform wants to support crypto agile.
3.2.2. Do link proper multiple HashLib instances, such as HashInstanceLibSha256, HashInstanceLibSha384, HashInstanceLibSha512 and HashInstanceLibSm3, to Tcg2Pei.inf and Tcg2Dxe.inf in platform DSC.
3.2.3. Do NOT use HashInstanceLibSha1.
TPM Hierarchy Management
3.3.1. Do choose a proper Tcg2Platform module to manage the TPM platform hierarchy, such as Tcg2Platform or platform specific one.
3.3.2. Do randomize TPM platform auth before EndOfDxe.
3.3.3. Do randomize TPM platform auth before EndOfPei in S3 resume, if TPM error happens.
3.3.4. Do send Tpm2HierarchyControl() command to enable or disable the hierarchy, if it is supported.
TCG Memory Override
4.1.1. Do check MOR variable and clear memory in memory initialization if MOR request is set.
4.1.2. Do treat MOR variable missing as requested.
OS Interface
ACPI Table
5.1.1. Do configure PcdTpm2AcpiTableRev to indicate TPM2 ACPI table version.
5.1.2. Do configure PcdTpmPlatformClass for client or server.
5.1.3. Do configure PcdTcgPhysicalPresenceInterfaceVer to indicate the TCG Physical Presence Interface version.
5.1.4. Do configure PcdTpm2CurrentIrqNum and PcdTpm2PossibleIrqNumBuf to indicate the TPM IRQ information.
TCG Storage
OPAL Password
6.1.1. Do connect trusted storages and trusted consoles in Platform BDS before EndOfDxe if there is OPAL password request.
6.1.2. Do include storage disk drivers in PEI for S3 auto-unlock.
OPAL Feature
6.2.1. Do connect trusted storages and trusted consoles in Platform BDS before EndOfDxe if there is OPAL feature request.
6.3.1. Do enable BlockSid by default.
TPer reset
6.4.1. Do connect trusted storages in Platform BDS before EndOfDxe if MOR request is set.
6.4.2. Do treat MOR variable missing as requested.