3.3 Header Section

This is an optional section, while this header section is not needed by the EDK II build system, it will be used by the build tools for generating "As Built" INF files from sources.

This section is also used by the Intel(R) UEFI Packaging Tool that is included with the EDK II build system binaries.


This section contains Copyright and License notices for the INF file in comments that start the file. This section is optional using a format of:

## @file
# Abstract
# Description
# Copyright
# License

This information can be derived from an XML Distribution Package file or is created by a module developer creating a new module information (INF) file.

This is an optional section.


<Header>            ::= <SourceHeader>
<SourceHeader>      ::= <Comment>*
                        "##" [<Space>] <Space> "@file"
                        [<TS> <Filename>] <EOL>
                        "#" <EOL>
                        "##" <EOL>+
<Abstract>          ::= "#" <MTS> <AsciiString> <EOL> ["#" <EOL>]
<Description>       ::= ["#" <MTS> <AsciiString> <EOL>]+ ["#" <EOL>]
<Copyright>         ::= "#" <MTS> <CopyName> <Date> "," <CompInfo>
<CopyName>          ::= ["Portions" <MTS>] "Copyright (c)" <MTS>
<Date>              ::= <Year> [<TS> {<DateList>} {<DateRange>}]
<Year>              ::= "2" (0-9)(0-9)(0-9)
<DateList>          ::= <CommaSpace> <Year> [<CommaSpace> <Year>]*
<DateRange>         ::= "-" <TS> <Year>
<CompInfo>          ::= (0x20 - 0x7e)* <MTS> "All rights reserved."
                        [<TS> "<BR>"] <EOL>
<License>           ::= ["#" <MTS> <AsciiString> <EOL>]+
                        ["#" <EOL>]
<BinaryHeader>      ::= <Comment>*
                        "##" [<Space>] <Space> "@BinaryHeader" <EOL>
                        "#" <EOL>
                        "#" <EOL>
                        "#" <EOL>
                        "##" <EOL>+
<Filename>          ::= <Word> "." <Extension>
<BinaryAbstract>    ::= "#" <MTS> <AsciiString> <EOL>
<BinaryDescription> ::= ["#" <MTS> <AsciiString> <EOL>]+
<BinaryLicense>     ::= ["#" <MTS> <AsciiString> <EOL>]+
                        ["#" <EOL>]



A brief one line description of what the module does.

  • The INF file will always have an English version of the Abstract. Other localized versions of the abstract will be stored in the Unicode file specified in the [Defines] section's MODULE_UNI_FILE.


A brief one line description of what the module does that may be different from a source abstract.

  • If this line is present, the tools will use this line when generating the binary "As Built" INF.

  • If the Doxygen tag is not present, the tools will use the primary Abstract from the Source INF file when generating a binary "As Built" INF.

  • In the binary "As Built" INF, the Doxygen tag must not be present.

  • The INF file will always have an English version of the Abstract. Other localized versions of the abstract will be stored in the Unicode file specified in the [Defines] section's MODULE_UNI_FILE.

Note: This file permits the Intel(R) UEFI Packaging Tool to process localized module content described in the UEFI Platform Initialization Distribution Package Specification.


A detailed description of what the module does.

  • The INF file will always have an English version of the Description.. Other localized versions of the description will be stored in the Unicode file specified in the [Defines] section's MODULE_UNI_FILE.


A detailed description of what the module does that may be different from a source abstract.

  • If this line is present, the tools will use this line when generating the binary "As Built" INF.

  • If the Doxygen tag is not present, the tools will use the primary Description from the Source INF file when generating a binary "As Built" INF.

  • In the binary "As Built" INF, the Doxygen tag must not be present.

  • The INF file will always have an English version of the Description.. Other localized versions of the description will be stored in the Unicode file specified in the [Defines] section's MODULE_UNI_FILE.

Note: This file permits the Intel(R) UEFI Packaging Tool to process localized module content described in the UEFI Platform Initialization Distribution Package Specification.


The copyright date should be modified if there is a functional change to the source code. Since binaries are constructed from source, the binary file uses the same copyright date as the source INF. Copyright data will not be localized.


One or more licenses that the module with source code is released under. License content will not be localized.


One or more licenses that the binary module is released under that may be different from the licenses used for distributing the module with source code. License content will not be localized.

  • If this tag is present, the tools will use this content when generating the binary "As Built" INF.

  • If the Doxygen tag is not present in the source INF, the tools will use the License content from the Source INF file when generating a binary "As Built" INF.

  • In the binary "As Built" INF, the Doxygen tag must not be present.


## @file
# EFI/Framework Base Memory Library
# Implementation of a base memory library that provides minimum
# functionality for accessing memory.
# Copyright (c) 2006 - 2008, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made
# available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which
# accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be
# found at:
# http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php