3.8 PCD Sections

The PCD sections are optional. If the source module code contains any Patchable in Module or DynamicEx PCDs, then this section must be generated in the "As Built" INF file listing each PCD with its <CommentBlock> content if available. Refer to the EDK II Build Specification, section 8.4.1 for PCD processing rules.


Defines the [(PcdType)] section content for EDK II module INF files. If a default value is specified on the entry line, it must match the datum type specified in the DEC file that declares this PCD. The Datum Type values are defined in the PI Specification. PCD expressions are single lines with two or three fields; fields are separated using the pipe "|" character. Empty Fields are permitted.

The EDK II Build system will generate an "As Built" INF file that can be delivered with a binary distribution. Only [PatchPcd] and [PcdEx] section types are valid for in "As Built" INF file. Tools that create "As Built" information must expand any macro values used by the tools during the module build.

The format of the <CommentBlock> is the recommended format that will guarantee that the information is correctly inserted into UEFI Distribution Package description files by the Intel(R) UEFI Packaging Tool included in the EDK II base tools project.

Each PCD name must only be listed once in a section. PCD names listed in architectural sections must not be listed in the common architectural section. PCDs should be either architectural in nature or common to all architectures. The module developer should note that all recommended values may be overridden by values specified by a platform integrator in a platform description (DSC) file.

The "common" architecture modifier in a section tag must not be combined with other architecture type; doing so will result in a build break.

It is not permissible to list a PCD name in different PCD type sections. Listing a PCD indicates what library function is used to access a PCD; only one type of access is permitted for a specified PCD.

A generated "As Built" INF file must not contain any FeatureFlagExpression content.


<Pcds>                ::= {<AsBuiltPcdSec>} {<SrcPcdSec>}
<SrcPcdSec>           ::= {<Patch>} {<Fixed>} {<Dyn>} {<DynEx>}
<PcdEntriesStmts>     ::= <PcdEntries>
<Patch>               ::= "[PatchPcd" [<com_patchAttrs> "]" <EOL>
<com_patchAttrs>      ::= {".common"} {<patchAttrs>}
<patchAttrs>          ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "PatchPcd" <attrs>]*
<Fixed>               ::= "[FixedPcd" [<com_fixedAttrs> "]" <EOL>
<com_fixedAttrs>      ::= {".common"} {<fixedAttrs>}
<fixedAttrs>          ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "FixedPcd" <attrs>]*
<Dyn>                 ::= "[Pcd" [<com_pcdAttrs> "]" <EOL>
<com_pcdAttrs>        ::= {".common"} {<pcdAttrs>}
<pcdAttrs>            ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "Pcd" <attrs>]*
<DynEx>               ::= "[PcdEx" [<com_pcdexAttrs> "]" <EOL>
<com_pcdexAttrs>      ::= {".common"} {<pcdexAttrs>}
<pcdexAttrs>          ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "PcdEx" <attrs>]*
<FeaturePcd>          ::= "[FeaturePcd" [<com_FFArchAttrs>] "]" <EOL>
<FeatureEntriesStmts> ::= <FeatureEntries>
<com_FFArchAttrs>     ::= {".common"} {<FFArchAttrs>}
<FFArchAttrs>         ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "FeaturePcd" <attrs>]*
<FeatureEntries>      ::= [<NUsageBlock>]
                          <TS> <PcdName> [<FfField1>] <TailCmt>
<TailCmt>             ::= {<1UsageBlock>} {<EOL>}
<FfField1>            ::= <FS> [<Boolean>] [<FfField2>]
<FfField2>            ::= <FS> [<FFE>]
<AsBuiltPcdSec>       ::= {<BuiltPatchPcd>} {<BuiltPcdEx>}
<BuiltPatchPcd>       ::= "[PatchPcd" [<com_PPArchAttrs>] "]" <EOL>
<com_PPArchAttrs>     ::= {".common"} {<PPArchAttrs>}
<PPArchAttrs>         ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "PatchPcd" <attrs>]*
<BuiltPcdEx>          ::= "[PcdEx" [<com_PEArchAttrs>] "]" <EOL>
<com_PEArchAttrs>     ::= {".common"} {<PEArchAttrs>}
<attrs>               ::= "." <arch>
<PEArchAttrs>         ::= <attrs> ["," <TS> "PcdEx" <attrs>]*
<AbPcdEx>             ::= [<NUsageBlockAb>]
                          <TS> <PcdName> [<TailCmt>] <EOL>
<NUsageBlockAb>       ::= {<HiiComment>} {<NUsageBlock>}
<HiiComment>          ::= <TS> ["##" <Usage> [<MTS> <HiiInfo>] <TS>
<HiiInfo>             ::= <TS> "##" <TS> "L" <QuotedString> <FS> <CName>
<ValuePcd>            ::= <TS> <PcdName> <FS> <ValUse>
<ValUse>              ::= <AsBuiltValue> <TailCmt>
<ValueOffsetPcd>      ::= [<NUsageBlock>]
                          <TS> <PcdName> <FS> <ValOffUse>
<ValOffUse>           ::= <AsBuiltValue> <Offset> <TailCmt>
<Offset>              ::= <FS> {<LongNum>} {<UINT32>}
<AsBuiltByteArray>    ::= "{" <NList> "}"
<AsBuiltValue>        ::= if (pcddatumtype == "BOOLEAN"):
                            {"0x00"} {"0x01"} 
                          elif (pcddatumtype == "UINT8"):
                          elif (pcddatumtype == "UINT16"):
                          elif (pcddatumtype == "UINT32"): 
                          elif (pcddatumtype == "UINT64"):
<PcdEntries>          ::= [<NUsageBlock>]
                          <TS> <PcdName> [<PField1>] <TailCmt>
<PField1>             ::= <FS> [<Value>] [<FFE>]
<Value>               ::= if (pcddatumtype == "BOOLEAN"):
                          elif (pcddatumtype == "UINT8"):
                            {<NumValUint8>} {<Expression>}
                          elif (pcddatumtype == "UINT16"):
                            {<NumValUint16>} {<Expression>}
                          elif (pcddatumtype == "UINT32"):
                            {<NumValUint32>} {<Expression>}
                          elif (pcddatumtype == "UINT64"):
                            {<NumValUint64>} {<Expression>}
                            {<StringVal>} {<Expression>}
<FFE>                 ::= <FS> <FeatureFlagExpress>
<1UsageBlock>         ::= <CommentBlock>
<NUsageBlock>         ::= <CommentBlock>+
<FeatureFlagExpress>  ::= <Boolean>
<CommentBlock>        ::= <TS> ["##" <TS> <Usage>] <TS> <CmtOrEol>
<CmtOrEol>            ::= {<Comment>} {<EOL>}
<Usage>               ::= {"CONSUMES"} {"SOMETIMES_CONSUMES"}
                          {"PRODUCES"} {"SOMETIMES_PRODUCES"}



The feature flag expression determines whether the entry line is valid. If the expression evaluates to FALSE, then the entry line is ignored by the EDK II build system.

1UsageBlock and NUsageBlock

The 1UsageBlock location, after the entry, is preferred if there is only one Usage for the PCD entry (this may also be referred to as a tail comment). If a PCD has multiple usages, then all CommentBlock statements must precede the entry.


If a value is specified in an element and no value is set in the platform file, the platform will use the value specified here, rather than the default value specified in the DEC file that declares the PCD. The value must always match the Datum type, as specified in the DEC file. When specifying a value for PCD here, expression or macros are not permitted; only actual values are permitted.


Typically, this entry will be used when tools creating/installing UEFI Distribution Packages encounter a missing or misspelled usage.


This module always gets the PCD entry. This is the only usage allowed for Feature PCDs.


The module always sets the PCD entry.


The module gets the PCD entry under certain conditions or execution paths.


The module sets the PCD entry under certain conditions or execution paths.


A byte array containing exactly the number of bytes (as specified as the maximum number of bytes in the DSC file) used for the patchable in module PCD when the binary was created. Any additional bytes for a value of less than the maximum number of bytes will be zero filled. For example, if the actual value of the array was only 4 bytes, but 10 bytes were allocated during the build, the tools will zero fill remaining bytes (in the example, 6 additional bytes of 0x00 will be added).





  ## @AsBuilt
  gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel | 0x80000040 |0x00004118