2.2 Manage Package

2.2.1 Create Package

When current packages do not satisfy a requirement, or the original code base is split into EDK II packages, new packages need to be created. Following are the recommended rules for defining the new package:

  • All modules related to the same functionality should go in the same package. For example, different packages should be created for different chipsets.

  • Generic modules shared between different platforms should be in another package. For example, the MdePkg and MdeModulePkg are shared.

  • Modules should go in packages according to their release requirements. If modules are released only to specific customers, they should go in specific packages.

Note: There is no limitation for source files in a new package. Even if only one file is in a package, this package will be valid.

According to the rules given immediately above, the EDK II project provides several packages for user reference.

When a new package is added, the following steps are used to create it.

  • Give the meaningful package name as the package directory name and create a package directory, such PackageNamePkg.

  • Create package DEC and DSC files in the package root directory to describe this package.

  • Create package sub-directories to contain the different source files.

2.2.2 Using a Package

A package provides public header files, library classes, PCDs and modules, which are required to develop other modules and platforms.

A module is dependent on the package that it resides in and may be dependent on other packages.

A platform is made from the modules contained in its own package, and from other packages.

The EDK II package is the basic development unit. It can be used to configure the development workspace. According to development requirements, the workspace can integrate different packages from the EDK II project and other sources. To develop a module or a platform, their dependent packages need to be integrated into the workspace. For example, to develop UEFI and PI driver, the MdePkg, which contains all UEFI/PI definitions, is required in the workspace.

The following show how to develop modules and platforms based on packages.

  • Each package DEC file and Include directory lists package public header files, library classes and PCDs. When a new module is developed, it can include information from the DECs of all packages in current workspaces If it needs information from a package that is not in the current workspace, this package needs to be added.

  • Each package DSC file lists all modules provided by this package. The developer can search the DSCs of all packages in the current workspace to obtain the required modules (and move their information into the platform DSC file). Then it specifies those modules in the platform DSC and FDF file. If a new platform still requires the modules from a packages that are not in the current workspace, this package needs to be added.

2.2.3 Updating a Package

The package DEC and DSC files describe the package capability, which should be created according to source files of this package. If source files are changed, removed, or added, the package DEC and DSC file must be updated to match their change.

All changes to source code that affect the DEC and DSC file are introduced one by one. Updating Package Include Directories

When a package Include directory is changed, added, or removed, the [Includes] a section of the DEC must be updated. Example: Include section of Package.dec
  Include # Package Include path
  LocalInclude # Add new include path Updating Guids/Ppis/Protocols

When a Guid value or Guid global CName defined in the package public Guid header file changes, the [Guids] section of the DEC must be updated to the new Guid value or Guid CName. If a public Guid header file is removed, the Guid defined in this file must be removed from the [Guids] section of the DEC. If a new guid header file is added in the package public include directory, the new declared Guid and its value must be added to the [Guids] section of the DEC. Like the Guid header file, any change to Guid values defined in the Ppi and Protocol header files also requires the [Ppis] or the [Protocols] section to be updated. Example: Guid section of Package.dec
  #gGuidCName = {00000000,0000,0000,{00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00}}
  #updated to
  gNewGuidCName = {00000000,0000,0000,{00,00,00,00,00,00,00,01}} Updating Library Classes

When the library class name is changed, the library class header file name needs to update the [LibraryClasses] section of the DEC to map the new library class name to the (new?) header file. The change to the library class name will also require the [LibraryClasses] section (of the DSC to be updated) to map the new library class name and the library instance. When a new library class is introduced, its name and its header file will be specified in the DEC [LibraryClasses] section. Example: LibraryClasses section of Package.dsc
  #OneClassLib|Include/Library/OneClassLib.inf updated to
  BaseMemoryLib|MdePkg/Library/BaseMemoryLib/BaseMemoryLib.inf Updating PCDs

PCDs are declared in the package DEC and are not related to any header file. However, module source files use them. If a PCD does not exist in any module, its declaration should be removed from the DEC file. The setting for this PCD in DSC file should also be removed.

When a module requires a new PCD, it needs to define this PCD in the DEC file for the package where the module is located. Then the DEC file will specify the PCD type and default value. Example: Package.dec
  #Add new FixedAtBuild PCD
  gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdHelloWorldTimes|1|UINT32|0x40000005 Updating Modules

Changes to modules (Library instance, drivers and applications) cause the dependent header file, library class and PCDs be modified, which requires the DSC file to be updated.

If a module INF file name is changed, the DSC files that refer to this module are updated to new file name. If a module is completely removed, it will not be compiled any more, and is removed from the package DSC. When a new module is added to a package, it should be added to the package DSC to be compiled and verified. Example: Package.dsc
[Components] #Module INF file path are specified from package directory.
  # PackageNamePkg/NameTwoPei/NameTwoDxe.inf
  # updated to

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