3.8 Debugging a Module

3.8.1 Required steps for debugging a module

The following steps are required before starting to debug a module.

  • "Build -b DEBUG" command

    EDK II supports generating DEBUG/RELEASE target. A different target causes different build options. The "BuildTarget" field in target.txt works with the "ToolChain" field to determine the actual path of the compiler tool-chain and build option. Developers can directly open $(WORKSPACE)\Conf\target.txt and change "TARGET = DEBUG" for the debug tip. Developers also can use the command line to override this value, such as "build -b DEBUG" for debug tip.

  • Choose the proper DebugLib library instance

    For the DebugLib library class, MdePkg and IntelFrameworkModulePkg core packages provide several library instances, which include BaseDebugLibNull, BaseDebugLibSerialPort, UefiDebugLibConOut, UefiDebugLibStdErr, and PeiDxeDebugLibReportStatusCode. Developers can choose proper DebugLib library instance in the package DSC file according to the actual requirements.

  • Configure the Pcds consumed by DebugLib

    The DebugLib library class header defines two PCDs to be used for debug library configuration.

    The PCDs related to debug ability include PcdDebugPropertyMask and PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel. The former is used to control enable/disable print/assert abilities, and determines if the ASSERT macro is implemented through CpuDeadLoop or BreakPoint. For the latter, developers can set various values to control if the error information should be printed or filtered.

  • Change build option

    Developers can modify or override the module build option. For example, a developer can use the "/Od" option for the Microsoft compiler to disable the optimization of the compiler and avoid disordered instructions. The debug tip can also use the "/FAsc" option for the Microsoft compiler to generate a source and assembly (.cod) file to help debug.

3.8.2 Basic debugging methods

Following are three basic methods for debugging:

  • Using DEBUG print statement.

In EDK II project, there is a set of PCD to enable/disable debug capability. Developer can turn on the functionality when starting to debug. Therefore, the DEBUG print statements can be used to get information desired.

  • CpuDeadLoop()

Developers can use an API to halt control flow, which is helpful to find the location of an issue quickly.

  • Module's Map file

Currently, EDK II generates a corresponding FV map file for every module. Developers can depend on the base address of a loaded module and map file to calculate the memory address of functions.

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