5.1 Begin With INF File

The [Defines] section of the INF must set MODULE_TYPE to UEFI_DRIVER. Example:.

  INF_VERSION = 0x00010005
  BASE_NAME   = SampleDriverDxe
  ENTRY_POINT = SampleDriverEntryPoint

Note: A UEFI driver has no [depex] section in the INF file. It always depends on all dxe architectural protocols. To force this, the UEFI driver entry point library instance appends all dxe architectural protocol dependency relationships into the depex section of the module image.

Note: If module dependent on the new definitions/features in

EFI_BOOT_SERVICES/UEFI_RUNTIME_SERVICES-defined in UEFI specifications from version 2.1 forward-the hex version need to be given in INF file [Defines] section's UEFI_SPECFIICATION_VERSION field.

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