Microsoft Windows 10 – Visual Studio command prompt

The following steps can be used to Pin the Microsoft Windows 10 – Visual Studio command prompt (201n) to the Task bar at the bottom(default)

  1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 command prompt
    (NOTE: VS 2013 is used in the following examples but VS 2010, VS 2015 and VS 2017 will be similar)
  2. Using the Start menu in Windows 10, Left-click on the “Windows Key” Lower Left
  3. Scroll down from the scroll bar on the right until “Visual Studio 2013” (or your version of VS 201n)
  4. Left Click “Visual Studio 201n
  5. Left Click “Visual Studio Tools”

    Another window will open
  6. Right Click on “Developer Command Prompt for VS201n” NOTE: Make sure you are selecting the correct Command prompt for Visual Studio. For VS2013 it is: “Developer Command Prompt for VS2013”
  7. Left Click on “Pin to taskbar”
  8. "Visual Studio Command Prompt" will now be in the task bar.

end of Pin Visual Studio Command Prompt to the Task bar