Lab 2. Updating HII to Save Data Settings

In this lab, you’ll learn how to modify and update your driver’s HII code to save the users settings into NVRAM. The UEFI Driver Wizard created the protocols for your driver to update and interface with the HII browser engine and database. The HII configuration access Protocol functions for MyWizardDriver are in the file C:\fw\edk2\MyWizardDriver\HiiConfigAccess.c. This next lab will install these protocols and update them to save the user data from the HII menus into NVRAM.

  1. Update theMyWizardDriver.cfile
    Your driver will need to keep track of the consumed protocols in it’s own data structure so it will need to declare local pointers to these and then store them in its own private context data structure.
  2. Add the following local variable declarations in the function MyWizardDriverDriverEntryPoint Entry Point (as shown below Approx. line 185 ):
    EFI_HII_STRING_PROTOCOL         *HiiString;
    EFI_FORM_BROWSER2_PROTOCOL      *FormBrowser2;
  3. Add the following code to locate and store consumed protocols before the // Publish sample Fromset and config access comment (as shown below Approx. line 227):
    The reason is to Locate the Hii Database, Hii String, Hii Form browser and config routing protocols and store their pointers into the Private context data structure for your driver to access.
//Begin code
  // Locate Hii Database protocol
  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &HiiDatabase);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;
  PrivateData->HiiDatabase = HiiDatabase;

  // Locate HiiString protocol
  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiHiiStringProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &HiiString);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;
  PrivateData->HiiString = HiiString;

  // Locate Formbrowser2 protocol
  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiFormBrowser2ProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &FormBrowser2);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;
  PrivateData->FormBrowser2 = FormBrowser2;

  // Locate ConfigRouting protocol
  Status = gBS->LocateProtocol (&gEfiHiiConfigRoutingProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &HiiConfigRouting);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;
  PrivateData->HiiConfigRouting = HiiConfigRouting;

//End code

4). Since the Hii Database Protocol was located earlier in the code with the previous code insertion and is no longer necessary, comment out the old OpenProtocol code with the “//” (approx. lines 289-298, as shown below) and add the comment "//" Done above
Make sure not to comment out the second “if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) {

Note: The earlier LocateProtocol code already found the pointer to the Hii Database protocol and stored it to the local pointer variable HiiDatabase.
When we added the driver-consumed protocols, we searched via LocateProtocol for the Hii Database pointer function. Since we did it above we’re now commenting out this code.

5). Comment out the matching “}” with “//” to the if statement (as shown below at approx. line 310):

6). Save MyWizardDriver.c

7). Open C:\fw\edk2\MyWizardDriver\HiiConfigAccess.c.
The Driver Wizard only made dummy functions for the extract, route and callback functions. In order to save the Data passed into the forms from the Hii Browser engine, you will need to port these functions to be functional.

8). Add the following extern statements for the form GUID and the NVRam variable (as shown below) these are global to the driver module only hence the beginning lower case “m” is the standard for a global for a module :

extern EFI_GUID   mMyWizardDriverFormSetGuid;
extern CHAR16     mIfrVariableName[];

9). Locate MyWizardDriverHiiConfigAccessExtractConfig and replace line 108, “return EFI_NOT_FOUND”, with the following code spread over Next pages:

//Begin code
 EFI_STATUS                       Status;
  UINTN                            BufferSize;
  MYWIZARDDRIVER_DEV               *PrivateData;
  EFI_STRING                       ConfigRequest;
  EFI_STRING                       ConfigRequestHdr;
  UINTN                            Size;
  BOOLEAN                          AllocatedRequest;
  if (Progress == NULL || Results == NULL) {
  // Initialize the local variables.
  ConfigRequestHdr  = NULL;
  ConfigRequest     = NULL;
  Size              = 0;
  *Progress         = Request;
  AllocatedRequest  = FALSE;
  HiiConfigRouting = PrivateData->HiiConfigRouting;
  // Get Buffer Storage data from EFI variable.
  // Try to get the current setting from variable.
  Status = gRT->GetVariable (
if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
  return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
  if (Request == NULL) {
        DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n:: Inside of Extract Config and Request == Null "));
  } else { 
    ConfigRequest = Request;
    // Convert buffer data to <ConfigResp> by helper function BlockToConfig()
    Status = HiiConfigRouting->BlockToConfig (
                                  (UINT8 *) &PrivateData->Configuration,
  // Free the allocated config request string.
  if (AllocatedRequest) {
    FreePool (ConfigRequest);
  // Set Progress string to the original request string.
  if (Request == NULL) {
    *Progress = NULL;
  } else if (StrStr (Request, L"OFFSET") == NULL) {
    *Progress = Request + StrLen (Request);
  return Status;
// End code

10). Now locate MyWizardDriverHiiConfigAccessRouteConfig and replace line at approx. 228, with “return EFI_NOT_FOUND”, with the following code:

//Begin code
EFI_STATUS                       Status;
  UINTN                            BufferSize;
  MYWIZARDDRIVER_DEV               *PrivateData;

  if (Configuration == NULL || Progress == NULL) {

  HiiConfigRouting = PrivateData->HiiConfigRouting;
  *Progress = Configuration;

  // Get Buffer Storage data from EFI variable
  Status = gRT->GetVariable (
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Convert <ConfigResp> to buffer data by helper function ConfigToBlock()
  Status = HiiConfigRouting->ConfigToBlock (
                               (UINT8 *) &PrivateData->Configuration,
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Store Buffer Storage back to EFI variable
  Status = gRT->SetVariable(
                  sizeof (MYWIZARDDRIVER_CONFIGURATION),
          DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n:: ROUTE CONFIG Saving the configuration to NVRAM \n"));

  return Status;

  //return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
//end code

11). Lastly, locate MyWizardDriverHiiConfigAccessCallback and replace at approx.** line 326, “return EFI_UNSUPPORTED**;”, with the following code:

//Begin code
  MYWIZARDDRIVER_DEV      *PrivateData;
  EFI_STATUS                      Status;
  EFI_FORM_ID                     FormId;

    DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "\n:: START Call back ,Question ID=0x%08x Type=0x%04x Action=0x%04x", QuestionId, Type, Action));

  if (((Value == NULL) && (Action != EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_OPEN) && (Action != EFI_BROWSER_ACTION_FORM_CLOSE))||
    (ActionRequest == NULL)) {

  FormId = 0;
  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

  return Status;
//end code

12). Save HiiConfigAccess.c

Build and test MyWizardDriver

  1. Open the Visual Studio Command Prompt
  2. Type build
  3. Type build run
  4. At the UEFI Shell prompt,type fs0:
  5. Type Load MyWizardDriver.efi
  6. Press “Enter”
  7. Type exit
  8. Now at the setup front page menu, select “Device Manager”
  9. Press “Enter” to enter “Device Manager”
  10. Inside the Device Manager menu press the down to “My Wizard Driver Sample Formset”** Press "Enter" Press "Enter" Note: Once you hit “Enter”, notice that your form is now displayed with a choice to enable your Device. Also notice the titles and help strings that are in the .UNI file you edited.
  11. Test by Press the space bar to Enable and Disable the “Enable My XYZ Device” to change its value from: [X] to [ ]
    Note: Notice the “Configuration changed” message at the menu bottom.
  12. Press “F10”
  13. Press “Escape” to exit
  14. Press “Escape” to exit the “Device Manager” Page
  15. Press Up Arrow to “Continue”
  16. Press “Enter”
  17. At the Shell Prompt type Shell> dmpstore -all
    Notice that enable is selected and saved in NVRam as the value of 0x00: Because our data structure inMyWizardDriverNVDataStruc.h is stored in NVRAM with the variable name MWD_IfrNVData of type MYWIZARDDRIVER_CONFIGURATION, we can see the changes from our menu accessing through our HII forms.
    Notice that the enable/disable byte is the last byte in data structure MWD_IfrNVData.MyWizardDriverChooseToEnable where 00 == disable and 01 == enable.
  18. Type Reset to return to the Visual Studio Command Prompt

For any build issues copy the solution files from C:\Fw\LabSolutions\LessonE.2

NOTE: Del Directory C:\fw\edk2\Build\NT32IA32\DEBUG_VS2010x86\IA32\MyWizardDriver before the Build command to build the MyWizardDriver Clean

End of Lab 2