11.1 EFI PCI Option ROM Images

To generate the EFI PCI Option ROM, the EFI PE32 files and optionally the legacy OptROM (from a separate tool) are needed.

The EfiRom tool is used on the PE32 and optionally the legacy Option ROM binary images. The tool will check the header of each file to determine the type.

  • If the input file(s) are EFI PE32 image,

    • fill in EFI PCI OptROM header and PCI data structure in the output EFI PCI Option ROM image

    • then copy the input EFI PE32 file content to the output EFI PCI Option ROM image to create the EFI PCI Option ROM image.

  • If the input file(s) are legacy OptROM binary image,

    • fill in EFI PCI OptROM header in the output EFI PCI Option ROM image

    • then copy the input file content to the output EFI PCI Option ROM image to create the EFI PCI Option ROM image.

The final image is placed in the FV folder of the build directory.