13.3 Output

The output is in raw text file encoded in ASCII character set so that it can be portable to all OS environments. The text file is supposed to be organized in a logical way for human readability and QA team's validation.

Note: If the EXECUTION_ORDER flag is provided as the only report type and the -y option is not provided, the tool will generate an HTML document, Report.html in the current working directory.

If any other report type is also requested, the report will be a flat text file. If the -y option is provided, the report type will also be a flat text file (even if you name the file, using -y, as "Report.html").

13.3.1 Layout

The layout of the text report file:

|---- Platform summary
    |----- Conditional directives section
    |----- Unused PCDs section
    |----- Mixed PCD section
    |----- Global PCD section
    |----- FD section*
        |---- FD Region sub-section*
        |---- VPD PCD Data sub-section*
    |---- Module section*
        |---- Basic Information summary
        |---- PCD sub-section
        |---- Library sub-section
        |---- DEPEX sub-section
        |---- Build_flags sub-section
        |---- Notification sub-section

Note: Items marked with * can occur more than once in one parent instance.

13.3.2 Section and Sub-section Format

The output report of BRG is divided into platform and module part. Each part may further consist of sections and sub-sections with the following rules:

  1. Each section starts with marker >==============================<
  2. Each section ends with marker <==============================>
  3. There must be a section header after each section start marker.
  4. There must a separator ========================== to separate the section header and contents if the section has non-empty contents.
  5. The section contents can further be divided into one-level sub-sections.
  6. Each sub-section starts with marker >-------------------------------------------<
  7. Each sub-section ends with marker <-------------------------------------------->
  8. There must be a sub-section header after each section start marker.
  9. There must a separator -------------------------------------------- to separate the section header and contents if the section has non-empty contents.
  10. In general, each line in section will not exceed 120 characters.


Platform Name:      NT32
Platform DSC Path:  s:\edk2\Nt32Pkg\Nt32Pkg.dsc
Architectures:      IA32
Tool Chain:         VS2008x86
Target:             DEBUG
Output Path:        s:\edk2\Build\NT32IA32
Build Environment:  Windows-7-6.1.7601-SP1
Build Duration:     00:01:53
Firmware Device (FD)
FD Name:            NT32
Base Address:       0x0
Size:               0x2A0000(2688KB)
FD Region
Type:               FV
Base Address:       0x0
Size:               0x280000 (2560K)
FV Name:            FvRecovery (65.9% Full)
Occupied Size:      0x1A6028 (1688K)
Free Size:          0xD9FD8 (872K)
Offset         Module
..(List of Module in FvRecovery)
..(List of other FD region sub-section)

The following sections describe these reports and sub-sections in detail.