13.7 FD Section

This section contains platform flash device information and its layout.

13.7.1 FD Section Header

Given that a platform may have multi-Firmware device, this section may appear more than once in the output report. The section header lists the name of FD and its base address and size. The contents of the section consist of one or more FD region subsection.

The line format is: "%-20(key)s: %(value)s" to ensure vertical alignment.

  • FD Name : %FD UI name: FD file base name%
  • Base Address: %Base address for the FD image%
  • Size : %Size of the FD image%


Firmware Device (FD)
FD Name:          NT32
Base Address:     0x0
Size:             0x2a0000(2688KB)
... (one or more FD Region Sub-section)

13.7.2 FD Region Sub-section

This sub-section contains FD region information of platform flash device. If the region is a firmware volume, it lists the set of modules and its space information; otherwise, it only lists its region name, base address and size in its sub-section header.

The line format is: "%-20(key)s: %(values)s" to ensure vertical alignment.

  • Region Type : %The type of the FD region (FV, Data, File or None)%
  • Base Address: %Base address for the FD region%
  • Size : %Size of the FD region%
  • FV Name*: %FV name and occupation percentage%
  • Occupied Size*: %The occupied size of the FV%
  • Free Size*: %The free size of the FV%

The contents of FD region sub-section contain the list:

(Offset, Module)*: %The list offset and module INF file path in the FV%

The items marked with * are only available when the region type is FV.


FD Region
Type:             FV
Base Address:     0x0
Size:             0x280000 (2560K)
FV Name:          FvRecovery (65.9% Full)
Occupied Size:    0x1A6028 (1688K)
Free Size:        0xD9FD8 (872K)
Offset     Module
0x00000078 PEI Apriori
0x000000D8 DXE Apriori
0x00000FE8 PeiCore (s:\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Core\Pei\PeiMain.inf)
0x0000EFE8 PcdPeim (s:\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Universal\PCD\Pei\Pcd.inf)
...(More list of offset and modules)


FD Region
Type:             DATA
Base Address:     0x280000
Size:             0xc000 (48K)
FD Region
Type:             None
Base Address:     0x28C000
Size:             0x2000 (8K)
...(More list of FD regions)

13.7.3 VPD PCD Sub-section

This section lists, in Offset order, every VPD PCD specified in the DSC file. The line format for this section is PcdName SkuId Offset PcdSize PcdValue.

  • Base Address:%Base address from the start of the FD file%
  • Size :%Size of the FD region%

For each PCD in this region:

  • PcdName : PcdTokenSpaceGuidCname.PcdCname
  • SkuId : The string name of the SkuId for this build (or DEFAULT if no SkuId name is defined)
  • Offset : The number of bytes from the start of the FD file
  • PcdSize : Number of bytes reserved for this PCD
  • PcdValue : The current value of the PCD, in hex or (for VOID*) the byte array

Note: There may be gaps in the address map as some PCDs may not be required for this specific build, but may be required for other builds based on the same DSC file.


FD VPD Region
Base Address:     0x3BC000
Size:             0x04000 (16K)
gNoSuchTokenSpaceGuid.NoSuchPciSubsystemVendorId | DEFAULT | 0x003BC000 | 2 | 0x8086
gNoSuchTokenSpaceGuid.NoSuchPciSubsystemDeviceId | DEFAULT | 0x003BC002 | 2 | 0x1000
gNoSuchTokenSpaceGuid.NoSuchGigabitEthernetMac | DEFAULT | 0x003BC004 | 8 | {0x80, 0x40, 0x20, 0x10, 0x08, 0x04}
gEfiMdeModulePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdRsa2048Sha256PublicKeyBuffer | DEFAULT | 0x003BC01C | 32 | {0x91, 0x29, 0xc4, 0xbd, 0xea, 0x6d, 0xda, 0xb3, 0xaa, 0x6f, 0x50, 0x16, 0xfc, 0xdb, 0x4b, 0x7e, 0x3c, 0xd6, 0xdc, 0xa4, 0x7a, 0x0e, 0xdd, 0xe6, 0x15, 0x8c, 0x73, 0x96, 0xa2, 0xd4, 0xa6, 0x4d}
< ---------------------------------------------------------------------- >

Note: The whole FD section is present when FLASH is specified in -Y option.