8.3 Auto-generated code

The section covers, in sequence, the processes used to generate code files that will be used during the build.

8.3.1 AutoGen Stage File Extensions

The following table provides the extension and a description of files processed during the AutoGen stage of the build. The build_rule.txt file describes the processing rules for generating the Makefiles for the $(MAKE) stage.

Table 14 AutoGen Stage Input File Extensions
Extension Description File Format
.c, .cpp C code files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.h C header files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.asm 32 and 64-bit Windows assembly files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.s 32 and 64-bit GCC assembly files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.S IPF GCC and Windows assembly files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.nasm 32 and 64-bit NASM assembly files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.i IPF Assembly include files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.vfr Visual Forms Representation files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.uni HII Unicode string files UCS-2 Characters
.idf HII Image Definition files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.asl C formatted ACPI code files - these files are processed independent from the C code files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.asi ACPI Header Files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.aslc C formatted ACPI table files - these files are processed independent from the C code files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.txt Microcode text files ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.map VPD tool intermediate file ASCII Text, DOS EOL
.bin Binary files Binary
.bmp Logo files used in the ImageGen stage Binary
.ui Unicode User Interface files UCS-2 Characters
.ver Unicode Version files UCS-2 Characters

8.3.2 Dependency expression file

The dependency expression file (.depex) is generated from the [Depex] section in module's INF file, if the section presents, or .dxs file if DPX_SOURCE definition is found in INF file. If both the DPX_SOURCE definition and [Depex] section content is present, the content in the file specified in the DPX_SOURCE definition is used and the [Depex] section content will be ignored. The GUID used in [Depex] section must be the GUID C name.

First, the GUID C name in the dependency expression string will be converted into its value in C structure format. Then the expression string will be converted into postfix notation. Before saving to a file, the operator and GUID value in the postfix notation will be converted to their binary value.

Dependency expression sections listed in an INF file may be scoped via feature flag expressions (logical expressions which typically utilize PCDs using FeatureFlag or FixedAtBuild access methods). It is the module writer's responsibility to ensure the different sections are mutually exclusive. It is the platform integrator's responsibility to ensure that they do not override this exclusivity.

For example, the following dependency expression

NOT (gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid AND gEfiHiiStringProtocolGuid) OR gPcdProtocolGuid

will be converted to

include_statement($(MODULE_BUILD_DIR)/OUTPUT/$(BASE_NAME).dxs, "
  // PUSH
  // gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid
  72 c1 9f ef b2 a1 93 46 b3 27 6d 32 fc 41 60 42
  // PUSH
  // gEfiHiiStringProtocolGuid
  74 69 d9 0f aa 23 dc 4c b9 cb 98 d1 77 50 32 2a
  // AND
  // NOT
  // PUSH
  // gPcdProtocolGuid
  06 40 b3 11 5b d8 0a 4d a2 90 d5 a5 71 31 0e f7
  // OR
  // END

The binary dependency expression file will be generated in $(MODULE_BUILD_DIR)/OUTPUT with .depex file extension. Guidelines

Use of a separate file for describing the dependencies is discouraged. Grammar of the INF, DSC and FDF files permit specifying the dependency expressions. Libraries may also have a dependency, [Depex], section. These dependencies must be appended to the module's DEPEX sections unless the module includes a depex (.dxs) file - even if the module does not contain a [Depex] section. When a developer chooses to write the .dxs file, the developer is responsible for specifying all dependencies in the .dxs file.

Libraries that are linked to a UEFI DRIVER may have DEPEX sections. There are three 'rules' for the tools.

  • Tools are coded so that for a given module the [Depex] sections of all linked-in library instances are logically AND'd with the DEPEX section of the module

    • If no DEPEX section is specified in the module, then only the library instances DEPEX sections are logically AND'd to create the DEPEX section for the module
  • Tools are also coded to ignore the depex sections of libraries that are linked to UEFI_DRIVER or PCI Option ROM code

  • The tools will break the build if one module, using one of the noted module types, contains a depex section in the INF file.

8.3.3 VFR

The EDK II build system provides tools for processing formatted Unicode files and Visual Forms Representation (VFR) files in order to create the IFR files. Refer to the EDK II User's Manual for more information regarding the use of the Unicode and VFR files. Refer to the VfrCompiler description and the VFR Programming Language document for more detailed information on the provided implementation. Additionally, the EDK II build AutoGen tools are used to process Unicode files listed in a module's INF file. Also note that the IFR code is not compatible - UFI compliant IFR code is different from the IFR code defined by early Intel Framework documents. Reference Implementation: Compatibility

The EDK II Vfr compiler tools can process EDK and EDK II VFR and Unicode files and to generate UEFI/PI compliant IFR files. EDK II Unicode files can use the UEFI defined Unicode extended grammar. The EDK VFR and Unicode files are a subset of the EDK II versions. EDK II VFR and Unicode files may not be used with an EDK build unless they do not include the extended grammar. Table 15 shows the compatibility matrix.

Table 15 VFR Compatibility Matrix
Code non-UEFI Compliant VFR Tools UEFI Compliant VFR Tools
pre-UEFI 2.1 Unicode Yes Yes
pre-UEFI 2.1 VFR Source Yes Yes
pre-UEFI 2.1 IFR - binaries Yes No
UEFI 2.1 Unicode No Yes
UEFI 2.1 Vfr No Yes
UEFI 2.1 IFR - binaries No Yes

8.3.4 HII String Pack

The human-readable HII string pack data consists of UCS-2 characters in .uni files. The build tools will do following steps to convert the strings information into HII string pack data structure.

  • The build tools will get all the string IDs, the associated string and language code from the .uni files. Note that the DSC file or options on the command-line may be used to filter the languages used for generating the AutoGen code. The RFC_LANGUAGES is a semi-colon separated, doubled quoted string of RFC 4646 language codes, while the ISO_LANGUAGES (for EDK components only) is a nonseparated double quoted string of three character ISO 639-2 language codes.

  • For EDK II modules, their Unicode files must use RFC 4646 language codes. If an EDK II module's Unicode file contains a three character ISO 639-2 language code, the build will break with an appropriate warning message.

  • For EDK components, their Unicode files must use the ISO 639-2 language codes.

Note: Tools must not refactor the EDK component ISO 639-2 language codes to RFC 4646 language codes, as the DXE drivers are responsible for handling the different language code formats.

  • Search all source files in the include path of the module to find out which string IDs are used.Macros will be generated in AutoGen.h for the string IDs used. Those string IDs not used will be generated but commented out. They is just for debug purposes. For example:
include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
  //Unicode String ID

  // #define $LANGUAGE_NAME 0x0000  // not referenced
  // #define $PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME 0x0001  //not referenced
  #define STR_BOOT_FAILED 0x0002
  #define STR_BOOT_SUCCEEDED 0x0003
  #define STR_PERFORM_MEM_TEST 0x0004
  // #define STR_INTERNAL_EFI_SHELL 0x009E  // not referenced
  // #define STR_LEGACY_BOOT_A 0x009F  // not referenced
  // #define STR_PROCESSED_ALL_BOOT_OPTIONS 0x00A0  // not referenced
  • The font attribute specifies the default font that will be used for the characters in string. If #font is not specified, then the default font identifier will be used.

  • If the #font attribute appears before the first #language identifier, then it applies to all characters for all languages. If the #font attribute appears after a #language identifier, it applies only to the string characters in that language. It is permissible for #font to appear in more than one place, in which case the language-specific font identifier will have priority.

  • The HII string package data will be generated in AutoGen.c in the form of a data array, with array name <ModuleBaseName>Strings. For example:

include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
  //Unicode String Pack Definition
  unsigned char PlatformBdsDxeStrings[] = {
  // Start of string definitions for fra
    0x20, 0x1A, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x8E, 0x02,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x9E, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    // offset 0x16
    0x8E, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, // offset to string $LANGUAGE_NAME (0x0000)
    0x96, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, // offset to string
                            //$PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME (0x0001)
    // string $LANGUAGE_NAME offset 0x0000028E
    0x66, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    // string $PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME offset 0x00000296
    0x46, 0x00, 0x72, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x6E, 0x00,
    0xE7, 0x00, 0x61, 0x00, 0x69, 0x00, 0x73, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00,
    // strings terminator pack
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
    0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
"); More than One Unicode File

If more than one Unicode file is required by a module, the rules for including these files are as follows. If one Unicode file uses a #include statement to include other Unicode files, these secondary Unicode files must also be listed in the INF file's [Sources] section.

8.3.5 HII Image Pack

The HII Image package data is stored in .idf files. The build tools perform the following steps to convert the image information into an HII Image package data structure.

  • The build tools retrieve all the image IDs, the optional TRANSPARENT setting and the associated image file name from the .idf files. The TRANSPARENT setting is optional. If it is specified, build tools apply the TRANS image block type to the input image file. The UEFI Specification does not define the TRANS block type for JPG or PNG images. The TRANSPARENT setting is ignored for JPG and PNG images. The image file name should be listed in the [Sources] section of the INF file, and the extension of the image file must be one of .bmp, .jpg, or .png. The extension is case insensitive.

  • Search all source files in the include path of the module to find out which image IDs are used. Macros are generated in AutoGen.h for the image IDs used. For example:

    include_statement(AutoGen.h, "
      //Image ID
      #define IMG_FULL_LOGO  0x0001
      #define IMG_OEM_LOGO   0x0002
  • The HII Image package data is generated in <ModuleBaseName>Idf.hpk or in AutoGen.c in the form of a data array, with array name <ModuleBaseName>Images. For example:

    include_statement(AutoGen.c, "
      //Image Pack Definition
      unsigned char HelloWorldImages[] = {
        0xD9, 0xCA, 0x01, 0x00,
        // Image PACKAGE HEADER
        0xD5, 0xCA, 0x01, 0x06, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x97, 0xC7, 0x01, 0x00,
        // Image DATA
        // 0x0001: IMG_FULL_LOGO: 0x0001
        0x12, 0x01, 0x90, 0x01, 0xDC, 0x00, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF,
        // 0x0002: IMG_OEM_LOGO: 0x0002
        0x14, 0x02, 0x25, 0x01, 0xDC, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
        // End of the Image Info
        // Palette Header
        0x03, 0x00,
        // Palette Data
        // 0x0001: IMG_FULL_LOGO: 0x0001
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80,
        0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF,
        // 0x0002: IMG_OEM_LOGO: 0x0002
         0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x80,
  • If more than one image definition file is required by a module, the build tools combine the images from the multiple .idf files into a single HII Image Pack.

8.3.6 AutoGen.h file

The code generated in AutoGen.h includes:

  • Prototypes of constructor and destructor from the library instances the module will link against
  • Prototypes of entry and unload image entry points
  • Global variable definitions for GUID/Protocol/PPI values used as well as extern definitions
  • Global variable definitions and the database of PCDs used
  • Unicode string database definitions.
  • Image package database definitions.

The file will contain: Header prologue

The macro name is composed with GUID value of INF file.

include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
  #ifndef _AUTOGENH_6987936E_ED34_44db_AE97_1FA5E4ED2116
  #define _AUTOGENH_6987936E_ED34_44db_AE97_1FA5E4ED2116

  #ifdef __cplusplus
  extern "C" {
"); Global macro definitions

If they are defined in INF file, un-defining them first is for backward compatibility with EDK module build, because these macros are not defined in INF file of EDK modules but passed via compiler option.

include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
  #define EFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION 0x00020000

  #define EDK_RELEASE_VERSION 0x00020000
"); Header file inclusion.

Only one header file is included.

include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
  #include <Base.h>
"); Caller ID GUID definition.

The GUID value is the same as INF file GUID. The macro, EFI_CALLER_ID_GUID, is generated only for non - library module.

include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
  extern GUID gEfiCallerIdGuid;
  // following definition is not needed for library module
  #define EFI_CALLER_ID_GUID \
    { 0x6987936E, 0xED34, 0x44db, { 0xAE, 0x97, 0x1F, 0xA5, 0xE4, 0xED,
      0x21, 0x16 } }
"); PCD definitions

There are differences in the generated code for library and non-library modules, which are illustrated in pseudo-code below. Non-library Module
include_statement(AutoGen.h, "
  #define _PCD_TOKEN_<TokenCName> <TokenNumber>

If ((PCD_type == FIXED_AT_BUILD) || (PCD_type == FEATURE_FLAG)) {
  If ((DatumType == 'VOID*') &&
        (PcdValue == array) ||
        (PcdValue == C_FormatGuid) ||
        (PcdValue == C_String)
     ) {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      "#define _PCD_PATCHABLE_<TokenCName>_SIZE <MaxDatumSize>"
  include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
  #define _PCD_VALUE_<TokenCName> <PcdValue>
  extern const <DatumType> _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_<TokenCName>;
  #define _PCD_GET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName> _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_<TokenCName>

  If ((DatumType == 'VOID*') &&
        (PcdValue == array) ||
        (PcdValue == C_FormatGuid) ||
        (PcdValue == C_String)
     ) {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_PATCHABLE_<TokenCName>_SIZE <MaxDatumSize>

  include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
    #define _PCD_VALUE_<TokenCName> <PcdValue>
    extern <DatumType> _gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>;
    #define _PCD_GET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName> _gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>

  If ((DatumType == 'VOID*') &&
        (PcdValue == array) ||
        (PcdValue == C_FormatGuid) ||
        (PcdValue == C_String)
     ) {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>(SizeOfBuffer,Buffer) \
        LibPatchPcdSetPtr (_gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>, \
         (UINTN)_PCD_PATCHABLE_<TokenCName>_SIZE, \
         (SizeOfBuffer), \
         (Buffer) \
  } Else {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>(Value) \
        (_gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName> = (Value))
If (PCD_type == DYNAMIC) {
  include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
    #define _PCD_GET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName> \
  If (DatumType == 'VOID*') {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>(SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) \
        LibPcdSet<DatumSize> ( \
          _gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>, \
          (SizeOfBuffer), \
          (Buffer) \
  } Else {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>(Value) \
        LibPcdSet<DatumSize>(_gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>, (Value))
If (PCD_type == DYNAMIC_EX) {
  include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
    #define _PCD_GET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName> \
      LibPcdGetEx<DatumSize>(&<TokenSpaceGuidCName>, \
         _PCD_TOKEN_<PcdTokenCName> \
  If (DatumType == 'VOID*') {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>( \
        SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) \
        LibPcdSetEx<DatumSize>(&<TokenSpaceGuidCName>, \
          _gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>, \
          (SizeOfBuffer), \
          (Buffer) \
  } Else {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>(Value) \
        LibPcdSetEx<DatumSize>(&<TokenSpaceGuidCName>, \
          _gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>, \
          (Value) \
} Library Module
nclude_statement(AutoGen.h, "
  #define _PCD_TOKEN_<TokenCName> <TokenNumber>

  #define _PCD_VALUE_<TokenCName> <PcdValue>

If ((PCD_type == FIXED_AT_BUILD) || (PCD_type == FEATURE_FLAG)) {
  include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
    extern const <DatumType> _gPcd_FixedAtBuild_<TokenCName>;

    #define _PCD_GET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName> \

  include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
    extern <DatumType> _gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>;

    #define _PCD_GET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName> \
    #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>(Value) \
      (_gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName> = (Value))


If (PCD_type == DYNAMIC) {
  include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
    #define _PCD_GET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName> \

  If (DatumType == 'VOID*') {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>( \
        SizeOfBuffer, Buffer) \
        LibPcdSet<DatumSize>(_gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>, \
          (SizeOfBuffer), \
          (Buffer) \
  } Else {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>(Value) \
        LibPcdSet<DatumSize>(_gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>, (Value))

If (PCD_type == DYNAMIC_EX) {
  include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
    #define _PCD_GET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName> \
      LibPcdGetEx<DatumSize>( &<TokenSpaceGuidCName>, \
        _PCD_TOKEN_<PcdTokenCName> )
  If (DatumType == 'VOID*') {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>( \
        SizeOfBuffer, Buffer ) \
        LibPcdSetEx<DatumSize>(&<TokenSpaceGuidCName>, \
          _gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>, \
          (SizeOfBuffer), \
          (Buffer) \
  } Else {
    include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
      #define _PCD_SET_MODE_<DatumSize>_<TokenCName>(Value) \
        LibPcdSetEx<DatumSize>(&<TokenSpaceGuidCName>, \
          _gPcd_BinaryPatch_<TokenCName>, \
          (Value) \
} HII string pack definitions,

These are generated only if .uni files are found. For details, please refer to section 7.3.2.

include_statement (AutoGen.h, "
  //Unicode String ID
  // #define $LANGUAGE_NAME 0x0000  // not referenced
  // #define $PRINTABLE_LANGUAGE_NAME 0x0001  // not referenced
  // ...
  // ...
  // ...
  extern unsigned char MiscSubclassStrings[];

  #define STRING_ARRAY_NAME MiscSubclassStrings

"); HII image pack definitions

These are generated only if .idf files are found.

include_statement(AutoGen.h, "
  //Image ID
  #define IMG_FULL_LOGO  0x0001
  #define IMG_OEM_LOGO   0x0002

  extern unsigned char  HelloWorldImages[];

  #define IMAGE_ARRAY_NAME  HelloWorldImages
"); AutoGen Epilogue

#ifdef __cplusplus


8.3.7 AutoGen.c file

The code generated in AutoGen.c includes:

  • Calling of constructor and destructor of library instances against which the module will link
  • The module load and unload entry points
  • Global variables for GUID/Protocol/PPIs value used, global variables and database for PCDs used
  • Unicode string pack definition.
  • Image pack definition.

AutoGen.c file is only generated for EDK II non-library modules. The following sections identify what lines of information are included in the file as well as pseudo-code to references on to how a variable () might be generated.

The file will contain: Header files inclusion.

Which files are included is determined by module type.

  case "BASE":
  case "USER_DEFINED":
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      #include <Base.h>

  case "SEC":
  case "PEI_CORE":
  case "PEIM":
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      #include <PiPei.h>
      #include <Library/DebugLib.h>

  case "DXE_CORE":
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      #include <PiDxe.h>
      #include <Library/DebugLib.h>

  case "DXE_DRIVER":
  case "DXE_SMM_DRIVER":
  case "DXE_SAL_DRIVER":
  case "UEFI_DRIVER":
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      #include <PiDxe.h>
      #include <Library/BaseLib.h>
      #include <Library/DebugLib.h>
      #include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>

    PrintError ( "%s\n", message);

The following will be inserted in AutoGen.c after the header files have been included.

GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CHAR8 *gEfiCallerBaseName = "<ModuleName>";

Where the <ModuleName> is the value of the BASE_NAME from the module INF file's [Defines] section. Caller ID GUID variable definition.

Because not all GUID variables are required, a link-time optimization removes items that are not referenced by other parts of the code to save on space in the image.

include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    0xEC62, 0x4A92, {0x81, 0x8F, 0x8A, 0xA0, 0x24, 0x6D, 0x24, 0x6E}};
"); Library Constructor Statements

If there are CONSTRUCTORs defined in [Defines] section in INF file of the library instances that are being linked to.

If (CONSTRUCTOR defined in INF) {

  If (MODULE_TYPE == "BASE") {
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        VOID );



    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  FileHandle,
        IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices



    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
        IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable


} // End CONSTRUCTOR defined in INF

  include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    ProcessLibraryConstructorList (

  include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    ProcessLibraryConstructorList (
      IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  FileHandle,
      IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices


  include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    ProcessLibraryConstructorList (
      IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  ImageHandle,
      IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **SystemTable

include_statement (AutoGen.c, "

If (CONSTRUCTOR defined in INF) {
  If (MODULE_TYPE == "BASE") {
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
       EFI_STATUS Status;

       Status = <CONSTRUCTOR>();
       ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);


    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      EFI_STATUS Status;

      Status = <CONSTRUCTOR> (FileHandle, PeiServices);
      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);


    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      EFI_STATUS Status;

      Status = <CONSTRUCTOR> (ImageHandle, SystemTable);
      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);


include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
"); Library Destructor Statements

Contained if there are DESTRUCTORs defined in [Defines] section in INF file of the library instances that are being linked to.

If (DESTRUCTOR defined in INF) {
  If (MODULE_TYPE == "BASE") {
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      <DESTRUCTOR> (
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      <DESTRUCTOR> (
        IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  FileHandle,
        IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      <DESTRUCTOR> (
        IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
        IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable
} // End DESTRUCTOR defined in INF

  include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    ProcessLibraryDestructorList (


  include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    ProcessLibraryDestructorList (
      IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  FileHandle,
      IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices


  include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    ProcessLibraryDestructorList (
     IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  ImageHandle,
     IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     *SystemTable


include_statement (AutoGen.c, "


If (DESTRUCTOR defined in INF) {
  If (MODULE_TYPE == "BASE") {
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      EFI_STATUS Status;

      Status = <DESTRUCTOR>();
      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);


    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      EFI_STATUS Status;

      Status = <DESTRUCTOR> (FileHandle, PeiServices);
      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);

    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      EFI_STATUS Status;

      Status = <DESTRUCTOR> (ImageHandle, SystemTable);
      ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);

include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
"); Module Entry Point Statements

Contained if there are ENTRY_POINTs defined [Defines] section in INF file.

If (ENTRY_POINT defined in INF) {
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      <ENTRY_POINT> (
        IN CONST EFI_SEC_PEI_HAND_OFF    *SecCoreData,
        IN VOID                          *OldCoreData

      ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
        IN CONST EFI_SEC_PEI_HAND_OFF    *SecCoreData,
        IN VOID                          *OldCoreData

        return <ENTRY_POINT> (SecCoreData, PpiList, OldCoreData);


    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      const UINT32 _gUefiDriverRevision = 0;

      <ENTRY_POINT> (
        IN VOID  *HobStart

      ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
        IN VOID  *HobStart

        <ENTRY_POINT> (HobStart);


  If (MODULE_TYPE == 'PEIM') {
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT32 _gPeimRevision = 0;
    If (Number of ENTRY_POINT == 0) {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
          IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  FileHandle,
          IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices
          return EFI_SUCCESS;


    If (Number of ENTRY_POINT == 1) {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        <ENTRY_POINT> (
          IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  FileHandle,
          IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices

        ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
          IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  FileHandle,
          IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices
          return <ENTRY_POINT> (FileHandle, PeiServices);


    If (Number  of   ENTRY_POINT > 1) {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        <ENTRY_POINT1> (
          IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  FileHandle,
          IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices

        <ENTRY_POINT2> (
          IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE  FileHandle,
          IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES     **PeiServices

        ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
          IN EFI_PEI_FILE_HANDLE FileHandle,
          IN EFI_PEI_SERVICES **PeiServices

          EFI_STATUS Status;
          EFI_STATUS CombinedStatus;

          CombinedStatus = EFI_LOAD_ERROR;

          Status = <ENTRY_POINT1> (FileHandle, PeiServices);
          if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) || EFI_ERROR (CombinedStatus)) {
            CombinedStatus = Status;

          Status = <ENTRY_POINT2> (FileHandle, PeiServices);
          if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) || EFI_ERROR (CombinedStatus)) {
            CombinedStatus = Status;

          return CombinedStatus;


    If (Number of ENTRY_POINT == 0) {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
          IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
          IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable

          return EFI_SUCCESS;


    If (Number of ENTRY_POINT == 1) {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        <ENTRY_POINT> (
          IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
          IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable

        static BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER  mJumpContext;
        static EFI_STATUS  mDriverEntryPointStatus = EFI_LOAD_ERROR;

        ExitDriver (
          IN EFI_STATUS  Status

          if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) || EFI_ERROR (mDriverEntryPointStatus)) {
            mDriverEntryPointStatus = Status;
          LongJump (&mJumpContext, (UINTN) - 1);
          ASSERT (FALSE);

        ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
          IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
          IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable

          if (SetJump (&mJumpContext) == 0) {
            ExitDriver (<ENTRY_POINT> (ImageHandle, SystemTable));
            ASSERT (FALSE);

          return mDriverEntryPointStatus;


      (MODULE_TYPE == 'DXE_DRIVER') ||
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      const UINT32 _gUefiDriverRevision = 0;


    If (Number of ENTRY_POINT == 0) {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
          IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
          IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable
          return EFI_SUCCESS;


    If (Number of ENTRY_POINT == 1) {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        ${Function} (
          IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
          IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable

        ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
          IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
          IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable
          return <ENTRY_POINT> (ImageHandle, SystemTable);

        ExitDriver (
          IN EFI_STATUS  Status
          if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
            ProcessLibraryDestructorList (gImageHandle, gST);
          gBS->Exit (gImageHandle, Status, 0, NULL);


    If (Number of ENTRY_POINT > 1) {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        <ENTRY_POINT1> (
          IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
          IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable

        <ENTRY_POINT2> (
          IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
          IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable

        ProcessModuleEntryPointList (
          IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
          IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE  *SystemTable
          if (SetJump (&mJumpContext) == 0) {
            ExitDriver (<ENTRY_POINT1> (ImageHandle, SystemTable));
            ASSERT (FALSE);

          if (SetJump (&mJumpContext) == 0) {
            ExitDriver (<ENTRY_POINT2> (ImageHandle, SystemTable));
            ASSERT (FALSE);

          return mDriverEntryPointStatus;

        static BASE_LIBRARY_JUMP_BUFFER mJumpContext;
        static EFI_STATUS mDriverEntryPointStatus = EFI_LOAD_ERROR;

        ExitDriver (
          IN EFI_STATUS Status
          if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) || EFI_ERROR (mDriverEntryPointStatus)) {
            mDriverEntryPointStatus = Status;
          LongJump (&mJumpContext, (UINTN) - 1);
          ASSERT (FALSE);

} Module Unload Image Statements

The following algorithm is used to process potential UNLOAD_IMAGE statements that might be defined in the [Defines] section in the INF file.

If (Number of UNLOAD_IMAGE in INF == 0) {
  include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverUnloadImageCount = 0;

    ProcessModuleUnloadList (
      IN EFI_HANDLE  ImageHandle
      return EFI_SUCCESS;


If (Number of UNLOAD_IMAGE in INF == 1) {
  include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverUnloadImageCount = 1;
      IN EFI_HANDLE  ImageHandle

    ProcessModuleUnloadList (
      IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle
      return <UNLOAD_IMAGE> (ImageHandle);


If (Number of UNLOAD_IMAGE in INF > 1) {
  include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
    GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED const UINT8 _gDriverUnloadImageCount = <NumberOfUnloadImage>;

      IN EFI_HANDLE  ImageHandle

      IN EFI_HANDLE  ImageHandle

    ProcessModuleUnloadList (
      IN EFI_HANDLE  ImageHandle
      EFI_STATUS Status;

      Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        <UNLOAD_IMAGE1> (ImageHandle);
      } else {
        Status = <UNLOAD_IMAGE1> (ImageHandle);

      if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
        <UNLOAD_IMAGE2> (ImageHandle);
      } else {
        Status = <UNLOAD_IMAGE2> (ImageHandle);

      return Status;

} Global variables

These are generated from "Guids", "Protocols", "Ppis", "xxxPcd" sections of the .inf file and .uni and .idf files.

InfList = [];

add (ModuleInf, InfList);

foreach LibraryInstance {
  add (LibraryInf, InfList);
  foreach DependentLibraryInstance {
    add (LibraryInf, InfList);

foreach INF in InfList {
  If ("[Guids]" defined in INF) {
    foreach GuidCName {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "

  If ("[Protocols]" defined in INF) {
    foreach ProtocolGuidCName {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
        GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_GUID <ProtocolGuidCName> = <GuidValue>;

  If (("[Ppis]" defined in INF) {
    foreach PpiGuidCName {
      include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
         LOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED EFI_GUID <PpiGuidCName> = <GuidValue>;

  If ("[Pcd]" defined in INF) {
    foreach PcdCName {
      If ((PcdDatumType == 'VOID*') &&
           (PcdValue == array) ||
           (PcdValue == C_FormatGuid) ||
           (PcdValue == C_String)
         ) {
        include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
          GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED UINT8 <PcdCName> = <PcdValueMacro>;
      } Else {
        include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
          GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED <PcdDatumType> <PcdCName> = <PcdValueMacro>;

  If (.UNI file found in INF SourcesSection) {
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      unsigned char MiscSubclassStrings[] = {

  If (.IDF file found in INF SourcesSection) {
    include_statement (AutoGen.c, "
      unsigned char  HelloWorldImages[] = {