12.1 Building for Debug

The build tool defaults support three building targets: NOOPT, DEBUG and RELEASE. This section describes how to enable DEBUG target when building and how to setup compiler flags used for DEBUG. The NOOPT target disables all optimizations in addition to setting the flags for DEBUG.

There are three ways provided in build tool to define the target that will be used in the building process.

  • Situation A: Setup by overriding file "target.txt"

    • After executing "edksetup" , there will be a file named "target.txt" under $(WORKSPACE)/Conf.

    • Users can edit this file and change the value of item TARGET.

    • A specific example of this is TARGET = DEBUG, which sets the current building method.

    • In this example, the default value of the TARGET is set to DEBUG.

  • Situation B: Use a parameter -b BUILDTARGET when executing building command

    • Users can type a command with the format build -b BUILDTARGET to specify the target used in current building.

    • A specific example of this command is build -b DEBUG.

    • In this example, the value set in the file target.txt will be ignored.

  • Situation C: Setup in the DSC file of a platform

    • When the BUILDTARGET is not specified in the command line or in the file target.txt, the build tool will attempt to build all valid targets specified in the DSC file.

    • This contrasts with situations A and B, where only the targets specified as valid in the DSC file can be used.

12.1.1 Debugging Files

For a debugging build, the files created will be saved to $(WORKSPACE)/$(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/$(BUILDTARGET)_$(TOOL_CHAIN_TAG)/$(ARCH)/. For each single module, the temporary files created in DEBUG building process will be saved to $(WORKSPACE)/$(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/$(BUILDTARGET)_$(TOOL_CHAIN_TAG)/$(ARCH)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/$(MODULE_NAME)/DEBUG/ and $(WORKSPACE)/$(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/$(BUILDTARGET)_$(TOOL_CHAIN_TAG)/$(ARCH)/$(PACKAGE_NAME)/$(MODULE_NAME)/OUTPUT/, so such as .map, .pdb and other DEBUG files can be found in these two directories.

User can also define a specific directory to save DEBUG files. A detailed example is given in the next subsection.

12.1.2 Debugging Options

Build tool supports customized DEBUG flags in the <BuildOptions> section of the DSC file, the INF file and tools_def.txt. The highest priority for a same complier flag is the one defined in INF file, the medium is that in DSC file and the lowest is the one in tools_def.txt.

For example, to generate the .cod files for the .obj files of a platform, user can add one line such as *_MYTOOLS_*_CC_FLAGS = /FAcs /FA $(OUTPUT_DIR)\ in section [BUILD_OPTIONS] of DSC file. This option tells build tool to generate a .cod file for each .obj file and put them to $(OUTPUT_DIR).

For only generating the .cod files for one single module, one way is to add the option in section [BUILD_OPTIONS] of the module's INF file; another way is to add the option to DSC file's <BuildOptions> for the INF file like below:

MdeModulePkg/Universal/PCD/Pei/Pcd.inf {

12.1.3 Advanced Debugging

For generating disassembly (.cod) files for debugging, the following is one way to setup dumpbin -disasm for individual modules as well as using it for every .efi file generated.

To generate the disasm for the efi files, the user can add two definitions in tools_def.txt:

DEBUG_MYTOOLS_IA32_DISASM_FLAGS = -dump -disasm -out:$(DEST_DIR)

Then user can use build option -D, --define with a reserved MACRO name: DISASM to start building. The build tool automatically detects if a DISASM tool defined in the TagName of Tool Chain, then after ever link command that generates an EFI file, the tool will run the DISASM tool (with the flags) against the EFI file. In the example, the output file will be next to the EFI file based on the FLAGS entry, -out:$(DEST_DIR) which is the same location as the .efi file.