5.2 tools_def.txt

This file describes the tools used by a developer, providing the flexibility to have multiple tool chains and different profiles for each tool chain. In the simplest of terms, the file provides a variable mapping of compiler tool chains and flags. The structure of this text file is described below.

There are three types of statements, the IDENTIFIER statement which defines a "User Interface" name for identifying this file. The second statement type is the DEFINE statement which is used to identify a fully qualified path macro, while the third type of statement is a record statement containing mappings that are processed by the build tools to generate Makefile and GNUMakefile commands that are executed by a compiler's "make" utility or function.

The left side of the record is subdivided into five groups, defined below. The build tools will process the file and assign the following priority during the parsing. After parsing the right hand <string> is substituted into the makefile using the build_rule.txt templates.

If a wildcard value is permitted, the wildcard character is the star "*" character.

For tool chains that expect to use a Windows-style nmake utility one entry, the NMAKE COMMANDTYPE is required. The NIX-based make and MAKE utilities are typically in a developer's path environment (/usr/bin). Specifying a MAKE command that will use an alternate make utility for NIX-based tool chains is optional.

          ******_*********_****_***********_ATTRIBUTE (Lowest)

All entries in this file are case-sensitive.

5.2.1 Macros and Other Variable Statements (tools_def.txt only)

The use of MACRO statements is limited in EDK II tools_def.txt meta-data file to be local to the meta-data file. The format and usage for the macro statements is:


Any defined MACRO will be expanded by tools when they encounter the entry in the section.

The macro statements are positional, in that only statements following a macro definition are permitted - a macro cannot be used before it has been defined.

MACRO statements are permitted in DSC and FDF files to reference PATH statements, assign values to PCDs and to provide a minimum level of directive statements - refer to the corresponding specification for additional details.

System environment variables may be used in value portion of statements. The system environment value is specified using the following format:



These variables are used in values for statements having the FLAG attribute or in macros that are used in the value fields of entries with the FLAG attribute.

5.2.2 Guided Tools

There are four GUIDed tools that are provided by the EDK II build system.

  • CRC32 - FC1BCDB0-7D31-49AA-936A-A4600D9DD083

    • This tool provides CRC32 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) methods for error detection using the GenCrc32 tool.
  • TIANO - A31280AD-481E-41B6-95E8-127F4C984779

    • This tool provides Tiano Compression using the TianoCompress application.
  • LZMA - EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF

    • This tool provides LZMA Compression using the LzmaCompress application.
  • VPDTOOL - 8C3D856A-9BE6-468E-850A-24F7A8D38E08

    • This tool provides VPD binary data and map file generation using the BPDG application.
  • LZMAF86 - D42AE6BD-1352-4bfb-909A-CA72A6EAE889

    • LzmaF86Compress tool definitions with converter for x86 code. It can improve the compression ratio if the input file is IA32 or X64 PE image. Note: If X64 PE image is built based on GCC44, it may not get the better compression.
  • RSA2048SHA256SIGN - A7717414-C616-4977-9420-844712A735BF

    • This tool definition uses a test signing key for development purposes only. The tool Rsa2048Sha256GenerateKeys can be used to generate a new private/public key and the gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdRsa2048Sha256PublicKeyBuffer PCD value. A custom tool/script can be implemented using the new private/public key with the Rsa2048Sha256Sign tool and this tool definition can be updated to use a custom tool/script.
  • BROTLI - 3D532050-5CDA-4FD0-879E-0F7F630D5AFB

    • This tool provides Brotli Compression using the BrotliCompress application.
  • PKCS7SIGN - 4AAFD29D-68DF-49EE-8AA9-347D375665A7

    • This tool provide PKCS7 signing using the Pkcs7Sign application. This tool definition uses a test signing key for development purposes only. New keys can be generated and be used to set the gEfiSecurityPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdPkcs7CertBuffer PCD value. A custom tool/script can be implemented using the new keys with the Pkcs7Sign tool and this tool definition can be updated to use a custom tool/script.

Additional GUIDed tools may be added. If the GUID value is used in the FDF file's GUIDed Encapsulation, the tool, named by the GUID, will be called using a -e option to encode the content.

5.2.3 tools_def.txt EBNF Definition


EDK II tools will not expand <MacroVal> statements that appear within quotation marks; the expectation is that external tools or the operating system will expand them during execution.

When specifying Macros for paths for Windows tools, paths that contain space characters do not need to be quoted. When specifying a path in a FLAGS section, any path that contains a space character will need to be enclosed with double quotation marks.

After the IDENTIFIER = UiString entry and Macro definition statements, all other entries consist of Token = Value pairings. The Token is actually a token that is constructed of five fields which are separated by an underscore character.

Comments are only allows on separate lines and may not be appended appear on actual entry lines.

The following EBNF defines the valid entries in the tools_def.txt file.


<ToolsDef>           ::= "IDENTIFIER" <Eq> <UiString> <EOL>
                         <ToolChainEntries>* <GuidedEntries>*
<TS>                 ::= <TabSpace>*
<MTS>                ::= <TabSpace>+
<Tab>                ::= 0x09
<Space>              ::= 0x20
<TabSpace>           ::= {<Tab>} {<Space>}
<UiString>           ::= (a-zA-Z0-9)<Chars>* <EOL>
<Chars>              ::= (0x20-0x7E)
<PathChars>          ::= {0x20} {0x28} {0x29} {(0-9a-zA-Z_-)} {0x2E}
<Eq>                 ::= <TS> "=" <TS>
<AsciiChars>         ::= (0x21 - 0x7E)
<AsciiString>        ::= [ <TS>* <AsciiChars>* ]*
<FlagString>         ::= <AsciiString>
<DefineStatements>   ::= <TS> "DEFINE" <MTS> <MACRO> <Eq> <Value> <EOL>
<MACRO>              ::= (A-Z)(a-zA-Z0-9_)*
<Value>              ::= {<Path>} {<FlagString>} {<Numbers>}
<Path>               ::= {<DosPath>} {<NixPath>} {<EnvPath>} {<MacroPath>}
<DosPath>            ::= {<AbsPath>} {<RelPath>}
<AbsPath>            ::= <A-Za-z> ":" ["\" <PathChars>+]+
<RelPath>            ::= ["\" <PathChars>+]*
<NixPath>            ::= ["/" <PathChars>+]*
<Numbers>            ::= (0-9)+ ["." (0-9)*]*
<MacroVal>           ::= "DEF(" <MACRO> ")"
<MacroPath>          ::= <MacroVal> {<NixPath>} {<RelPath>}
<EnvPath>            ::= "ENV(" <SysEnvVar> ")"
                         [[{"\"} {"/"}] <PathChars>*]+
<SysEnvVar>          ::= (A-Z)(A-Z0-9_)* # System Environment Variable
<ToolChainEntries>   ::= <RequiredEntry>
                         [<TS> <OptionalEntry>]*
<Wildcard>           ::= "*"
<RequiredEntry>      ::= <TS> <MakeEntry>
                         <TS> <FamilyEntry>
<MakeEntry>          ::= <Field1> "_" <Tagname> "_" <Arch> "_" <MakePath> <EOL>
<FamilyEntry>        ::= <Wildcard> "_" <Tagname> "_" <Arch> <FamilyType>
<FamilyType>         ::= "_" <Wildcard> "_" <Family>
<Family>             ::= "FAMILY" <Eq> <SupFamily> <EOL>
<SupFamily>          ::= {"ARMGCC"} {"MSFT"} {"INTEL"} {"GCC"} {"RVCT"}
                         {"RVCTCYGWIN"} {"XCODE"} {<NewFamily>}
<NewFamily>          ::= (A-Z) (A-Z0-9)+
<MakePath>           ::= "MAKE_PATH" <Eq> <EXECPATH> <Command> <EOL>
<OptionalEntry>      ::= <Field1> "_" <Field2> "_" <Field3>
<Field1>             ::= {<Target>} {<Wildcard>}
<Target>             ::= {<PreDefinedTargets>} {(A-Z) (A-Za-z0-9)*
<PreDefinedTargets>  ::= {"DEBUG"} {"RELEASE"} {"NOOPT"}
<Field2>             ::= {<TagName>} {<Wildcard>}
<Tagname>            ::= {<PreDefinedTags>} {(A-Z) (A-Za-z0-9)*}
<PreDefinedTags>     ::= {"ARMGCC"} {"ARMLINUXGCC"} {"CYGGCC"}
                         {"CYGGCCxASL"} {"DDK3790"} {"DDK3790xASL"}
                         {"ELFGCC"} {"GCC44"} {"GCC45"} {"GCC46"}
                         {"GCC47"} {"GCC48"} {"GCC49"} {"ICC"}
                         {"ICC11"} {"ICC11x86"} {"ICC11x86xASL"}
                         {"ICC11xASL"} {"ICCx86"} {"ICCx86ASL"}
                         {"ICCx86xASL"} {"ICCxASL"} {"MYTOOLS"}
                         {"RVCT"} {"RVCTCYGWIN"} {"RVCTLINUX"}
                         {"UNIXGCC"} {"VS2003"} {"VS2003xASL"}
                         {"VS2005"} {"VS2005x86"} {"VS2005x86xASL"}
                         {"VS2005xASL"} {"VS2008"} {"VS2008x86"}
                         {"VS2008x86xASL"} {"VS2008xASL"} {"VS2010"}
                         {"VS2010x86"} {"VS2010x86xASL"}
                         {"VS2010xASL"} {"VS2012"} {"VS2012x86"}
                         {"VS2012x86xASL"} {"VS2012xASL"} {"VS2013"}
                         {"VS2013x86"} {"VS2013x86xASL"}
                         {"VS2013xASL"} {"XCLANG"} {"XCODE32"} {"XCODE5"
<Field3>             ::= <Arch> "_" <Field4> "_" <Attributes>
<Arch>               ::= {"IA32"} {"X64"} {"IPF"} {"EBC"} {"ARM"} {<Wildcard>}
                         {(A-Z) (A-Z0-9)*}
<Field4>             ::= {<CommandCode>} {"*"}
<CommandCode>        ::= "}{"APP"} {"ASL"} {"ASLCC"} {"ASLDLINK"}
                         {"ASLPP"} {"ASM"} {"ASM16"} {"ASMLINK"}
                         {"ASMPATH"} {"CC"} {"CCPATH"} {"CRC32"}
                         {"DLINK"} {"DLINKPATH"} {"DSYMUTIL"} {"FLAGS"}
                         {"FROMELF"} {"FROMELFPATH"} {"GENFW"} {"LZMA"}
                         {"LZMAF86"} {"MAKE"} {"MTOC"} {"NASM"}
                         {"OBJCOPY"} {"OPTROM"} {"PP"} {"PPPATH"} {"RC"}
                         {"RSA2048SHA256SIGN"} {"SLINK"} {"SLINKPATH"}
                         {"SYMRENAME"} {"TIANO"} {"VFR"} {"VFRPP"}
                         {"VFRPPPATH"} {"VPDTOOL"}
<Attributes>         ::= {<ExecAttrs>} {<FlagAttr>} {<MiscAttrs>}
<ExecAttrs>          ::= "PATH" "=" <EXECPATH> <Command> <EOL>
<MiscAttrs>          ::= [<DllPath>} {<UserDefined>} {<RuleOrder>}
<DllPath>            ::= {"DLL"} {"DPATH"} <Eq> <EXECPATH> <EOL>
<EXECPATH>           ::= {<Definition>} {<Environ>} {<AbsolutePath>}
<Command>            ::= <Word> ["." <Ext>]
<Definition>         ::= "DEF(" <MACRO> ")" <Sep> [<Path>]*
<RuleOrder>          ::= "BUILDRULEORDER" <Eq> <ExtensionList> <EOL>
<ExtensionList>      ::= <Word> [<SP> <Word>]*
<GuidedEntries>      ::= <TS> <GuidDef>
<GuidedEntry>        ::= <Field1> "_" <Field2> "_" <Arch> "_" <Code>
<GuidDef>            ::= <GuidedEntry> "_" <Guid>
<Code>               ::= {"VPDTOOL"} {"LZMA"} {"TIANO"} {"CRC32"}
                         {"LZMAF86"} {"RSA2048SHA256SIGN"} {<NewTool>}
<NewTool>            ::= (A-Z)*
<Guid>               ::= "GUID" <Eq> <RegistryFormatGUID> <EOL>
<RegistryFormatGUID> ::= <RHex8> "-" <RHex4> "-" <RHex4> "-" <RHex4> "-"
<RHex4>              ::= <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit> <HexDigit>
<RHex8>              ::= <RHex4> <RHex4>
<RHex12>             ::= <RHex4> <RHex4> <RHex4>
<RawH2>              ::= <HexDigit>? <HexDigit>
<GuidPath>           ::= <GuidedEntry> "_PATH" <Eq> [<EXECPATH>]
                         <Command> <EOL>
<GuidFlags>          ::= <GuidedEntry> "_" <FlagAttr>
<GuidAttrs>          ::= <GuidedEntry> "_" <UserDefined>
<UserDefined>        ::= <Word> "=" <UserDefinedValues> <EOL>
<FlagAttr>           ::= "FLAG" "=" <FlagValues> <EOL>
<EOL>                ::= <TS> 0x0D 0x0A


No space characters are permitted on the left side of the expression (before the equal sign). All of the keywords that make up the left side of the expression must be alphanumeric only - no special characters are permitted.


This is a string of zero or more tool specific flags. All flags must be printable characters. The flag string starts with the character following the first "=" sign in the line and terminates with the end of line.


The paths specified in the tools_def.txt file must be valid path names for the workstation OS that will be using the tool chain identified by the tag name. Since this file can contain numerous tool chains for multiple operating systems, only the tool chain name specified in target.txt or on the command-line needs to be valid paths.


A keyword that uniquely identifies the build target; the first field, where fields are separated by the underscore character. Three values, NOOPT, DEBUG and RELEASE have been pre-defined. This keyword is used to bind command flags to individual commands.

Users may want to add other definitions, such as, PERF, SIZE or SPEED, and define their own set of FLAGS to use with these tags. The wildcard character, "*", is permitted after it has been defined one time for a tool chain.


A keyword that uniquely identifies a tool chain group; the second field. Wildcard characters are permitted only if a command is common to all tools that will be used by a developer. As an example, if the development team only uses IA32 Windows workstations, the ACPI compiler can be specified as DEBUG_*_*_ASL_PATH and RELEASE_*_*_ASL_PATH.


A keyword that uniquely identifies the tool chain target architecture; the third field. This flag is used to support the cross-compiler features, such as when a development platform is IA32 and the target platform is X64 Using this field, a single tag name can be setup to support building multiple target platform architectures with different tool chains.

For example, if a developer is using Visual Studio .NET 2003 for generating IA32 platform and uses the WINDDK version 3790.1830 for X64 or IPF platform images, a single tag. See the MYTOOLS PATH settings in the generated Conf/tools_def.txt or provided BaseTools/Conf/tools_def.template file.

The wildcard character, "*", is permitted only if the same tool is used for all target architectures.


A keyword that uniquely identifies a specific command; the fourth field. Several CommandCode keywords have been predefined, however users may add additional keywords, with appropriate modifications to build_rule.txt. See Table 7 below for the pre-defined keywords and functional mappings. The wildcard character, "", is permitted only for the FAMILY, DLL and DPATH attributes (see *Attributes below).

Table 7 Predefined Command Codes
CommandCode Function
APP C compiler for applications.
ARCHASM1 Flags for a macro assembler that is specific to an architecture
ARCHCC1 Flags for a C compiler that is specific to an architecture
ARCHDLINK1 Flags for a dynamic linker that is specific to an architecture
ASL ACPI Compiler for generating ACPI tables.
ASLCC A C compiler for ACPI code prior to running the ASL compiler
ASLDLINK A dynamic linker for the ACPI code
ASLPP A C Pre-processor for the ACPI code
ASM A Macro Assembler for assembly code in some libraries.
ASM16 A 16-bit assembler for SEC assembly code in some libraries
ASMLINK The Linker to use for assembly code generated by the ASM tool.
ASMPATH1 This command code is specific to the RVCT31CYGWIN tool chain tag.
CC C compiler for PE32/PE32+/Coff images.
CCPATH1 This command code is specific to the RVCT31CYGWIN tool chain tag.
CRC32 This tool provides CRC32 (Cyclic Redundancy Check) methods for error detection using the GenCrc32 tool.
DLINK The C dynamic linker.
DLINKPATH2 This command code is specific to the RVCT31CYGWIN tool chain tag.
DSYMUTIL This command code is specific to the XCODE32 and XCLANG tool chain tags.
FROMELF1 This command code is specific to the RVCT31CYGWIN tool chain tag.
FROMELFPATH1 This command code is specific to the RVCT31CYGWIN tool chain tag.
GENFW This command is for the EDK II build system GenFw utility, and allows user customization of the tool's flags.
LZMA This tool provides LZMA Compression using the LzmaCompress application.
LZMAF86 LzmaF86Compress tool definitions with converter for x86 code.
MAKE Required for tool chains. This identifies the utility used to process the Makefiles generated by the first phase of the build.
MTOC This command code is specific to the XCODE32 and XCLANG tool chain tags.
OBJCOPY This system command is specific to GCC tool chains, it is used to covert ELF images to PE32+ images.
OPTROM This command is for the EDK II build system EfiRom utility, and allows user customization of the tool's flags.
PLATFORM1 This command is for ARM based tool chains
PP The C pre-processor command.
PPPATH1 This command code is specific to the RVCT31CYGWIN tool chain tag.
RC This is the command code for resource compilers.
RSA2048SHA256SIGN This tool definition uses a test signing key for development purposes only.
SLINK The C static linker.
SLINKPATH1 This command code is specific to the RVCT31CYGWIN tool chain tag.
SYMRENAME This command code is by some of the GCC family tool chains.
TIANO This tool provides Tiano Compression using the TianoCompress application.
VFR This command is for the EDK II build system Visual Forms Representation tool, VfrCompile
VFRPP The C pre-processor used to process VFR files.
VFRPPPATH1 This command code is specific to the RVCT31CYGWIN tool chain tag.
VPDTOOL This tool provides VPD binary data and map file generation using the BPDG.

1 These command codes are only used for FLAG attribute statements and are not related to actual executable applications.

2 This is the path to standard Microsoft libraries (.dll).


A keyword to uniquely identify a property of the command; the fifth and last field.Several pre-defined attributes have been defined: DLL, FAMILY, FLAGS, GUID, OUTPUT and PATH. Use quotation marks only if the quotation marks must be included in the flag string. The following example shows the format for the required quoted string, "C:\Program Files\Intel\EBC\Lib\EbcLib.lib". Normally, the quotation characters are not required as everything following the equal sign to the end of the line is used for the flag.

*_*_EBC_DLINK_FLAGS = "C:\Program Files\Intel\EBC\Lib\EbcLib.lib" /NOLOGO

Table 8 Predefined Attributes
Attribute Description
ADDDEBUGFLAG This flag is used by objcopy to set the option: --add-gnu-debuglink
BUILDRULEFAMILY This flag is used by some tool chain tags to set a special FAMILY value when processing the build_rule.txt file. Normally, the FAMILY attribute is used to identify the type of makefile the tools need to generate. Tools such as XCODE will use GCC as the FAMILY, but uses different (from GCC) processing rules. If present and if a build rule (in build_rules.txt) contains an attribute with the value specified in this entry, that rule will be processed and the rule with the FAMILY attribute will be ignored.
DLL The path to the 3rd party tool's required DLLs - required for some tools to generate debug files.
FAMILY A flag to the build command that will be used to ensure the correct commands and flags are used in the generated Makefile or GNUMakefile, as well as to use the correct options for independent tools, such as the ACPI compiler. This is typically used to identify the type of Makefile that needs to be generated.
FLAG or FLAGS The arguments for individual CommandCode tools.
GUID This defines the Registry Format GUID (8-4-4-4-12). The tool is identified by the GUID value specified which is also specified in the DSC file. These GUID tools call other tools that modify the code outside of the normal EDK II build system process flow.
OUTFLAGS This specified an output flag for ACPI (ASL and IASL) tools.
OUTPUT This specifies an output flag for the Assembler (ASM) command.
PATH This is the full path and executable name for a command code. For executables that are in the BaseTools paths (or that are in directories specified in the OS PATH environment variable) only the name of the executable is required.
BUILDRULEORDER This attribute is used by tools to process files listed in INF [Sources] sections in priority order. If a filename is listed with multiple extensions, the tools will use only the file that matches the first extension in the space separated list. BUILDRULEORDER Example

The following is an example use of the BUILDRULEORDER attribute.


The tools_def.txt file has the entry.

*_*_*_*_BUILDRULEORDER = nasm asm Asm ASM S s

The Foo.nasm file will be processed, and the Foo.s and Foo.asm files will be ignored during the build. If a file is listed in the [Sources] section and the file extension is not listed a section that is specified for a build FAMILY (or BUILDRULEFAMILY if specified as an attribute in the build_rule.txt file) for the selected tool chain (GCC for example) in the build_rule.txt file, then the file is ignored. For example, if the INF has the following section listed: UefiCpuPkg/Library/BaseUefiCpuLib/BaseUefiCpuLib.inf



If the tool chain is a GCC tool chain, then only the .S files would be processed and the .asm files will be ignored.