13.8 Module Section

Module section lists all modules involved in the platform build. If the EXECUTION_ORDER option is specified in -Y option, the module sections are sorted according to their PEI or DXE dispatch order; otherwise the module sections are listed according to their DSC position.

13.8.1 Module Section Summary

This sub-section lists the module basic information: Module name, Module Arch, INF file path, File GUID, Size, hash value, module build time stamp, module build time and driver type.

  • Module Name : %BASE_NAME in INF [Defines] section%
  • Module Arch : %Architecture of current module%
  • Module INF Path : %Path of Module INF file%
  • File GUID : %FILE_GUID in INF [Defines] section%
  • Size : %Module EFI image size%
  • SHA1 HASH : %SHA1 hash value and efi file name with * character%
  • Build Time Stamp : %The time stamp in module PE32 image% (If the time stamp is cleared to be zero, the build time stamp is 1970-01-01 08:00:00 UTC time.)
  • Module Build Time : %The time string for this module's build%
  • Driver Type : %The driver's file type code3 and name in firmware volume%

The following entries are options:

  • UEFI Spec Version : %UEFI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION in INF [Defines] section%
  • PI Spec Version : %PI_SPECIFICATION_VERSION in INF [Defines] section%
  • PCI Device ID : %PCI_DEVICE_ID in INF [Defines] section%
  • PCI Vendor ID : %PCI_VENDOR_ID in INF [Defines] section%
  • PCI Class Code : %PCI_CLASS_CODE in INF [Defines] section%

3 The hex value in this field is the Firmware File Type value defined in Volume 3 of the PI Specification (Table 3 Defined File Types).


Module Summary
Module Name:        SmbiosDxe
Module Arch:        X64
Module INF Path:    MdeModule\Universal\SmbiosDxe\SmbiosDxe.inf
File GUID:          F9D88642-0737-49BC-81B5-6889CD57D9EA
Size:               0x7000 (28.00K)
SHA1 HASH:          d94c3f180f25d6b562f477bc4a16b286cb66a8b6 *SmbiosDxe.efi
Build Time Stamp:   1970-01-01 08:00:00
Module Build Time:  1060ms
Driver Type:        0x7 (DRIVER)
... (Module Section Details for SmbiosDxe)


Module Summary
Module Name:        EbcDxe
Module Arch:        X64
Module INF Path:    MdeModule\Universal\EbcDxe\EbcDxe.inf
File GUID:          13AC6DD0-73D0-11D4-B06B-00AA00BD6DE7
Size:               0x9000 (36.00K)
SHA1 HASH:          ff4c019345614afe5c88e7fc37219c30a07f4af4 *EbcDxe.efi
Time Stamp:         1970-01-01 08:00:00
Module Build Time:  1731ms
Driver Type:        0x7 (DRIVER)
... (Module Section Details for EbcDxe)


13.8.2 Library Sub-section

This sub-section, which follows each Module Summary section, holds the information for all libraries used in this module. If it is an EDKII style module, it further lists its correspondent library class, library constructor and destructor name if they exist. The library instances are sorted by the order of their constructor calling sequence and the reverse order of their destructor calling sequence.

  • Library INF Path: Path of library instance INF file
  • Class*: The library class name of the library instance
  • C*: The library constructor if it exists
  • D*: The library destructor if it exists
  • Time: The build time of this library if it exists

The items marked with * are only available when the module is an EDKII style module and they must be listed in the next line immediately after library instance's INF path.

An example of the module's library instance section is shown below.

Following the subsection header, for each library instance that was linked, the format is:

  1. The first line is the INF file path of the library instance

  2. {ClassName} - the name of the library class that the above INF file provides

    • If constructors are provided, for each constructor, the following content is inserted in the curly braces after the ClassName:

      C = ConstructorCname
    • If destructors are provided, for each destructor, the following is inserted in the curly braces before the closing curly brace.

      D = DestructorCname
    • Display the build time.

      Time = TimeString


{DevicePathLib: Time = 643ms}
{BaseLib: Time = 14702ms}
{BaseMemoryLib: Time = 284ms}
{MemoryAllocationLib: Time = 249ms}
{UefiBootServicesTableLib: C = UefiBootServicesTableLibConstructor Time = 219ms}
{PcdLib: C = PcdLibConstructor Time = 265ms}
{UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib: C = UefiRuntimeServicesLibConstructor Time = 203ms}
{IoLib: Time = 702ms}
{PciCf8Lib: Time = 345ms}
{PciLib: Time = 341ms}
{PrintLib: Time = 312ms}
{TimerLib: C = IntelAcpiTimerLibConstructor Time = 282ms}
{UefiLib: Time = 733ms}
{SynchronizationLib: Time = 920ms}
{HobLib: C = DxeHobLibConstructor Time = 218ms}
{UefiDriverEntryPoint Time = 234ms}
{UefiRuntimeLib: C = UefiRuntimeLibConstructor D = UefiRuntimeLibDestructor Time = 265ms}

Note: This sub-section is present when LIBRARY is specified in -Y option.

13.8.3 PCD Sub-section

This sub-section (following the Module Summary information) holds the information for all PCDs used in this module. The content of module PCD sub-section is divided by token space such as:


Each PCD may contain up to following lines:

  1. The first line is a mandatory line with the following format:

    [*B|*F|*P|*M] <PcdCName> : <PcdType> (<DatumType>) [(<SKUID>)][(<DefaultStore>)] = <PcdValue>

    Note: If the Pcd is a Structure PCD, <DatumType> is the Struct Name.

    For example:

      *P PcdWinNtFirmwareVolume : FIXED (VOID*) = L"..\\Fv\\Nt32.fd"
  2. The second line is the optional line

    • if <PcdType> is DYN-HII
      For example:
      *P PcdGMchDvmtTotalSize : DYN-HII (UINT8) = 0x0 (0)
                                gSysConfigGuid: L"Setup": 0xAA
    • if <PcdType> is DYN-VPD
      <Offset relative to VPD base address>
      For example:
      *F PcdVpdSample : DYN-VPD (UINT32) = 0x1 (1)
  3. The DSC DEFAULT INF DEFAULT and DEC DEFAULT are option if the module's final <PcdValue> is not equal to the PCD value in the PCD common section in DSC file, the PCD value in the module INF file and the PCD value in the DEC file respectively.

    DSC DEFAULT = <Value in PCD Common Section in DSC>
    INF DEFAULT = <Value in module INF>
    DEC DEFAULT = <Value in DEC>

    For example:

    *M PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel : FIXED   (UINT32) = 0x80000042 (2147483714)
                                 DSC DEFAULT = 0x80000040 (2147483712)
                                 DEC DEFAULT = 0x80000000 (2147483648)
    *P PcdPlatformBootTimeOut : DYNHII (UINT16) = 0xA (10)
                      gEfiGlobalVariableGuid: L"Timeout": 0x0
                                 DEC DEFAULT = 0xffff (65535)
  4. Additional lines may exist if the PCD is Structure PCD. Please refer to Rules for Structure PCD for details.

Note: This sub-section is present when PCD is specified in -Y option.

13.8.4 DEPEX Sub-section

This sub-section (following the Module Summary information) holds module dependency expression (DEPEX) information. The sub-section header holds the module dependency expression instructions and final dependency expression. If the module is an EDK II style module and it inherits dependency from one of its library instance, it lists the inherited library dependency expression in the sub-section contents.

Note: For UEFI_DRIVER module types, the tools may optimize the depex to none, and therefore, a DEPEX report may not be output. However, some UEFI_DRIVER modules may produce a DEPEX section if libraries that they have been linked with have DEPEX sections.


Final Dependency Expression (DEPEX) Instructions
  PUSH gEfiFirmwareVolumeBlock2ProtocolGuid
  PUSH gEfiRuntimeArchProtocolGuid
  PUSH gEfiPcdProtocolGuid
  PUSH gEfiDevicePathUtilitiesProtocolGuid
Dependency Expression (DEPEX) from INF
(gEfiFirmwareVolumeBlockProtocolGuid AND gEfiRuntimeArchProtocolGuid) AND
(gEfiPcdProtocolGuid) AND
From Module INF:  gEfiFirmwareVolumeBlockProtocolGuid AND
From Library INF: (gEfiPcdProtocolGuid) AND


Dependency Expression (DEPEX) Instructions
  PUSH gEfiPciRootBridgeIoProtocolGuid
  PUSH gEfiVariableArchProtocolGuid
  PUSH gEfiVariableWriteArchProtocolGuid
  PUSH gEfiMetronomeArchProtocolGuid
  PUSH gEfiRuntimeArchProtocolGuid
  PUSH gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid
Dependency Expression (DEPEX) from DXS

Note: This sub-section is present when DEPEX is specified in -Y option.

13.8.5 Build Flags Sub-section

This sub-section (following the Module Summary information) holds module build flags information. The sub-section header holds the module tool chain tag and the subsection contents list all related build flags, arranged using the tool code and flag attributes defined in the Conf/tools_def.txt file.


Build Flags
Tool Chain Tag: VS2008x86
ALIGN:32 /SECTION:.xdata,D
BASE:0x10000 /ALIGN:4096 /FILEALIGN:4096
CC_FLAGS = /nologo /c /WX /GS- /W4 /Gs32768 /D UNICODE /O1ib2 /GL /FIAutoGen.h /
EHs-c- /GR- /GF /Gy /Zi /Gm

Note: This sub-section is present when BUILDFLAGS is specified in -Y option.

13.8.6 Fixed Address Prediction Sub-section

This sub-section (following the Module Summary information) contains module notification function information. All the notification functions are listed with the following triplet line by line:

(Type, Address, Name)

%The address type, predicted address, and function name%

The second character of the Type indicates whether the address is in Flash or Memory.


Fixed Address Prediction
*I   Image Loading Address
*E   Entry Point Address
*N   Notification Function Address
*F   Flash Address
*M   Memory Address
*S   SMM RAM Offset
TOM  Top of Memory
Type Address        Name
*IF  0x00fffe6dac   (Image Base)
*EF  0x00fffe6e74   _ModuleEntryPoint
*NF  0x00fffe70b5   EndOfPeiCallback
*NF  0x00fffe83f0   MemoryDiscoveredPpiNotifyCallback
*IM  0x003ef48000   (Image Base)
*EM  0x003ef480c8   _ModuleEntryPoint
*NM  0x003ef48309   EndOfPeiSignalPpiNotifyCallback
*NM  0x003ef49644   EndOfPeiCallback


Fixed Address Prediction
*I   Image Loading Address
*E   Entry Point Address
*N   Notification Function Address
*F   Flash Address
*M   Memory Address
*S   SMM RAM address
TOM  Top of Memory
Type Address           Name
*IM  TOM-0x00014000   (Image Base)
*EM  TOM-0x00013d60   _ModuleEntryPoint
*IS  TOM-0x00034000   (Image Base)
*ES  TOM-0x00033d60   _ModuleEntryPoint

Note: This sub-section is present when FIXEDADDRESS is specified in -Y option.