8.7 Generated AsBuilt INF Files

The EDK II build system will generate an INF file for every module that is built from source files. Comments that would be required in the INF file for the UEFI Packaging Tool to create a distribution package must be preserved. The AsBuilt INF file must be an ASCII formatted file with DOS end-of-line (CRLF) characters. Portions of the AsBuilt INF are generated during pre-build, while other portions are determined after the images have been created during the $Make stage. Refer to the EDK II Module Information (INF) File Specification for the exact format for content in these sections. AsBuilt INFs are only created from building source modules.

8.7.1 Header Section

The header of the AsBuilt INF file will use the same content and format as the INF file except when a comment section that follows the source header contains the following line:

## @BinaryHeader

  1. If the above tag is located, then the tool must ignore the source header and used the Binary header block instead.

  2. If using the Binary header block, the tools must replace @BinaryHeader with @file in the AsBuilt INF.

  3. The tool must insert the following four lines between the description and copyright line regardless of the header used to create the AsBuilt INF:

# FILE auto-generated Binary INF

Note: The copyright date in the source INF should be updated every time a change is made to the INF file. Since every bug fix or new feature added to the source code requires that at least one of the VERSION_STRING values to be updated, the binary header should carry the same copyright date as the source header copyright date it was generated from.

Note: When generating the AsBuilt INF, if the source INF file contains the Doxygen tag, @BinaryHeader, the content from this section (which matches the format of the standard header) will replace the content from the standard header. The @BinaryHeader tag will be replaced with the @file tag as the first line of the AsBuilt INF file.

8.7.2 [Defines] Section

The following elements of the source INF will be copied into the [Defines] section of the AsBuilt INF file if and only if they exist in the source INF. The INF_VERSION in the AsBuilt INF File will be updated to match the version number in the EDK II INF Specification that was used at the time the tool code to create the AsBuilt file was updated, even if the INF_VERSION in the source INF was a lower version, such as 0x00010005 If the EDK II INF Specification version in the source INF is greater than the version embedded in the tool, the tools should replace the version value with the version that is embedded in the tool, lowering the value.

Macros definitions ("DEFINE" statements) are not listed in the AsBuilt INF file. Instead, the macro value (where it was used) will be expanded in the path and value statements.

<TS> "[Defines]" <EOL>
<TS> "INF_VERSION" <Eq> <CurrentInfSpecificationVersion> <EOL>
<TS> "BASE_NAME" <Eq> <BaseName> <EOL>
<TS> "FILE_GUID" <Eq> <RegistryFormatGUID> <EOL>
<TS> "MODULE_TYPE" <Eq> <Edk2ModuleType> <EOL>
[<TS> "VERSION_STRING" <Eq> <DecimalVersion> <EOL>]
[<TS> "PCD_IS_DRIVER" <Eq> <PcdDriverType> <EOL>]
[<TS> "ENTRY_POINT" <Eq> <CName> <EOL>]*
[<TS> "UNLOAD_IMAGE" <Eq> <CName> <EOL>]*
[<TS> "CONSTRUCTOR" <Eq> <CName> <EOL>]*
[<TS> "DESTRUCTOR" <Eq> <CName> <EOL>]*
[<TS> "SHADOW" <Eq> <BoolType> <EOL>]
[<TS> "PCI_VENDOR_ID" <Eq> <UINT16> <EOL>]
[<TS> "PCI_DEVICE_ID" <Eq> <UNIT16> <EOL>]
[<TS> "MODULE_UNI_FILE" <Eq> <Filename> <EOL>]
[<TS> "SPEC" <MTS> <Identifier> <Eq> <DecimalVersion> <EOL>]*



If the source module contains this entry, the tools must create a USC-2LE encoded file in the module's OUTPUT directory, ensuring that any of the tags that refer to BINARY content (@BinaryHeader) are used in place of tags that do not contain the word BINARY.


This is the version of the EDK II INF Specification at the time the code (in the build tools) to generate the AsBuilt INF is updated.


  INF_VERSION     = 0x00010017
  BASE_NAME       = DxeCore
  MODULE_UNI_FILE = DxeCore.uni
  FILE_GUID       = D6A2CB7F-6A18-4e2f-B43B-9920A733700A

  ENTRY_POINT     = DxeMain

8.7.3 [LibraryClasses] Section

This section must list (in comments) every library instances that gets linked with the module. A Doxygen tag, @LIB_INSTANCES in a comment must precede the list of library instances.


  # MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibSerialPort/BaseDebugLibSerialPort.inf

8.7.4 [Packages] Section

This section is required if there are PCDs listed in the [PatchPcd] and [PcdEx], the packages that declare the PCDs that are list must be listed here. The format for the PCD entries is defined in the Module Information (INF) File Specification.



8.7.5 [Guids] Section

All GUIDs that are listed in the source INF and their usage (if available) must be include in this section. Usage information may be modified based on feature flag expressions that are evaluated during the build. For example, the source INF may have a SOMETIMES_PRODUCES usage that may be changed to PRODUCES in the AsBuilt INF file if the build uses a feature flag to include the item.


  ## PRODUCES ## Event


  ## PRODUCES ## Event


8.7.6 [Protocols] Section

All Protocols that are listed in the source INF and their usage (if available) must be include in this section. The format for the Protocol entries is defined in the Module Information (INF) File Specification. Usage information may be modified based on feature flag expressions that are evaluated during the build. For example, the source INF may have a SOMETIMES_PRODUCES usage that may be changed to PRODUCES in the AsBuilt INF file if the build uses a feature flag to include the item.


  ## SOMETIMES_PRODUCES ## Produces when PcdFrameworkCompatibilitySupport is set


8.7.7 [PPIs] Section

All Ppis that are listed in the source INF and their usage (if available) must be include in this section. The format for the PPI entries is defined in the Module Information (INF) File Specification. Usage information may be modified based on feature flag expressions that are evaluated during the build. For example, the source INF may have a SOMETIMES_PRODUCES usage that may be changed to PRODUCES in the AsBuilt INF file if the build uses a feature flag to include the item.

  # SOMETIMES_CONSUMES # PeiReportStatusService is not ready if this PPI doesn't exist

  # SOMETIMES_CONSUMES # PeiResetService is not ready if this PPI doesn't exist




  # SOMETIMES_PRODUCES # Produce FvInfoPpi if the encapsulated FvImage is found

8.7.8 [PatchPcd] Section

All PCDs that are listed in the source INF, that are defined as PatchableInModule in the DSC file must be inserted into this section. The current value and the offset into the PE32 (.efi) file must be included in the entry for each PCD listed in this section of the AsBuilt INF file. If the usage is available, that information must also be included. The format for the PCD entries is defined in the Module Information (INF) File Specification.

To support override of the Formset class GUID in a binary HII driver, the build system was enhanced as follows:

  • Build tool will collect all VFR file names in one module and output them into a temp file, for example, VfrFileName.txt.

  • After creating the EFI image, the GenPatchPcdTable tool will be used to create PatchPcd information with input from the MAP, EFI and VfrFileName.txt.

  • GenPatchPcdTable will get HII data in the binary EFI image, and locate the reserved empty Formset class GUID slot (all zero GUID). If the empty slot is found, a Patchable PCD PcdHiiFormSetClassGuid##VfrFileName (type VOID* for GUID) will be auto generated. VfrFileName is obtained from the VfrFileName.txt.

  • Usage information may be modified based on feature flag expressions that are evaluated during the build. For example, the source INF may have a SOMETIMES_PRODUCES usage that may be changed to PRODUCES in the AsBuilt INF file if the build uses a feature flag to include the item.



8.7.9 [PcdEx] Section

All PCDs that are listed in the source INF, that are defined as DynamicEx in the DSC file must be inserted into this section. In general, values for the DynamicEx PCDs are global to a platform, and must not be inserted into the AsBuilt INF file. If the usage is available, that information must also be included. The format for the PCD entries is defined in the Module Information (INF) File Specification.

If the DynamicEx PCD was assigned as subtype HII, then for modules that produce IFR for setup screens, the following is required. If any of the fields of an EFI VarStore in the IFR are associated with a PCD, then the AsBuilt INF must declare that relationship. Since a module that produces IFR may not have C code that uses the PCDs we need here, the source INF file may not list those PCDs. Instead, the build tools when building a module that contains IFR must determine if there is a mapping between PCDs and an EFI VarStore and add those relationships to the AsBuilt INF. The syntax of the [PcdEx] for AsBuilt INF files is augmented by additional comment information for PCDs that are expected to be used with HII. The current <Usage> comment will be followed by Variable Name, Variable GUID C Name, and byte offset value which is the same order used in a DSC file for a [PcdsDynamixExHii] section, separated by the "|" field separation character.

Usage information may be modified based on feature flag expressions that are evaluated during the build. For example, the source INF may have a SOMETIMES_PRODUCES usage that may be changed to PRODUCES in the AsBuilt INF file if the build uses a feature flag to include the item.



8.7.10 [Depex] Section

The complete dependency expression including all dependencies from the libraries linked with the module must be included in comments in this section. The format for this dependency expression is defined in the Module Information (INF) File Specification.


# NOT (gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid AND gEfiHiiStringProtocolGuid)
# OR gPcdProtocolGuid

8.7.11 [BuildOptions] Section

The format for the build option entries is defined in the Module Information (INF) File Specification. All entries in this section appear in comments, beginning with the following line.

## @AsBuilt


## @AsBuilt
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_SYMRENAME_FLAGS = Symbol renaming not needed for
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_VFR_FLAGS = -l -n
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_PP_FLAGS = /nologo /E /TC /FIAutoGen.h
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_OPTROM_FLAGS = -e
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_ASM_FLAGS = /nologo /c /WX /W3 /Cx /coff /Zd /Zi
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_ASL_FLAGS =
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_CC_FLAGS = /nologo /c /WX /GS- /W4 /Gs32768 /D UNICODE /O1ib2 /GL /FIAutoGen.h /EHs-c- /GR- /GF /Gy /Zi /Gm
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_ASLCC_FLAGS = /nologo /c /FIAutoGen.h /TC /Dmain = ReferenceAcpiTable
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_APP_FLAGS = /nologo /E /TC
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_ASLPP_FLAGS = /nologo /E /C /FIAutoGen.h
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_OBJCOPY_FLAGS = objcopy not needed for
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_MAKE_FLAGS = /nologo
##   MSFT:DEBUG_VS2008x86_IA32_ASMLINK_FLAGS = /nologo /tiny

8.7.12 [Binaries] Section

The format for the binaries section entries is listed in the Module Information (INF) File Specification. The a binary PE32 file, with the .efi extension, was created by the build, it must be listed in this section. All files listed in this section must be placed in a section with the corresponding architectural modifier, such as [Binaries.IA32], where IA32 is the architectural modifier. The examples below do not cover all of the potential file types that may appear in a binary INF file; it does show the file types that must be placed into the auto-generated INF file created during a build.

The generic format for these entries are:

<TS> BinaryType|[RelativePath]Filename.Extension

The following is an example of an EFI file format:

<TS> PE32|Filename.efi

The following is an example of a DEPEX file format:

<TS> DXE_DEPEX|Filename.depex

If the build produces a PDB or SYM file, an entry must be placed in the [Binaries.$(ARCH)] section. The following example shows an entry for a PDB file.

<TS> DISPOSABLE|Filename.pdb <EOL>

If a filename is a fully qualified path and filename, such as a ROM filename, the build tool must copy that file into the module's OUTPUT directory, then insert the line as though it were in the directory as part of the build. For a ROM file, the entry must use the following format:

<TS> BIN|Filename.rom <EOL>

For AML files from a platform, the entry must use the following format:

<TS> ASL|Filename.aml <EOL>

For ACPI files from a platform, the entry must use the following format:

<TS> ACPI|Filename.acpi <EOL>

For a Binary or raw binary file, the entry may use either of the following two formats:

<TS> RAW|Filename.raw <EOL>
<TS> BIN|Filename.bin <EOL>

If the tools cannot determine the content, the binary type, the tools must use the BIN binary type.

In the above examples, the Filename may be preceded by a module relative path subdirectory as in the following example:

<TS> PE32|Ia32/Filename.efi
<TS> RAW|Vtf0/Bin/ResetVec.ia32.raw



8.7.13 [Sources] Section

The build tools must never add the [Sources] section or the name of the files from a sources section.

8.7.14 [UserExtensions] Section

Any [UserExtensions] sections that are present in the source INF with a UserId of "TianoCore" will be copied into the generated INF. [UserExtensions] sections with other UserId values will not be copied to the generated INF. The EDK II build tools will ignore these sections, however other vendors may provide tools that have a priori knowledge of how to process these sections.