13.9 Execution Order Prediction Section

This section contains platform level prediction for the execution flow. Each phase list the following triple in their predicted order:

(Type, Name, Module INF Path)

%The entry point or notification function name%


Execution Order Prediction
*P PEI phase
*D DXE phase
*E Module INF entry point name
*N Module notification function name
Type Symbol          Module INF Path
*PE   PeiCore        s:\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Core\Pei\PeiMain.inf
*PE   PcdPeimInit    s:\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Pcd\Pei\Pcd.inf
*PN EndOfPeiCallback s:\edk2\MyPlatform\PlatformPei\PlatformPei.inf
*DE DxeMain          s:\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Core\Dxe\DxeMain.inf
*DE PcdDxeInit       s:\edk2\MdeModulePkg\Universal\Pcd\Dxe\Pcd.inf

Note: This section is present when EXECUTIONORDER is specified in -Y option.

The following figure shows the HTML format with an entry expanded.

Figure 24 Report.html