7.3 GUIDed Tools

The tools_def.txt file also allows for specifying tools by GUID. For custom guided sections specified in the FDF file, the tools_def.txt file must specify a GUID that matches the GUID used in the FDF. Using compression, such as LZMA, CRC32 or TianoCompress, as an example, the entries in the tools_def.txt must define an entry for the tool as well as implementing a decompression library in the code-base. Since the build system provides these, the entries in the tools_def.txt file are:

*_*_*_LZMA_PATH  = LzmaCompress
*_*_*_LZMA_GUID  = EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF
*_*_*_CRC32_PATH = GenCrc32
*_*_*_CRC32_GUID = FC1BCDB0-7D31-49AA-936A-A4600D9DD083
*_*_*_TIANO_PATH = TianoCompress
*_*_*_TIANO_GUID = A31280AD-481E-41B6-95E8-127F4C984779

The GUIDed compression tools must use the -e option to encode (compress) a file and the -d option to decode (decompress) a file.

7.3.1 PCD VPD Data

PCDs defined in the DSC file may be defined as Dynamic VPD or DynamicEx VPD. VPD data is typically located in a separate data section of the FDF file. VPD data also requires that each PCD be located at a known offset from the start of the data region.

VPD data is common to all modules, therefore one and only one value can be defined for a given PCD/SKU in the DSC file.

The DSC file permits automatic assignment for these VPD PCDs when using an external tool, such as the provided BPDG tool, by specifying a offset value of "*".

Just calling the tool to create the binary data file is not enough, as the offset value must also be used in a header file for the PEI and DXE PCD drivers. In order to interrupt the build system prior to auto-generating the header files, a special entry in the DSC file, VPD_TOOL_GUID identifies the GUIDed tool in defined in the tools_def.txt file. The format for the VPD GUIDed tool in the tools_def.txt file is:

*_*_*_VPDTOOL_GUID = 8C3D856A-9BE6-468E-850A-24F7A8D38E08

When using the BDPG tool provided, the build tools will create the 8C3D856A-9BE6468E-850A-24F7A8D38E08.txt file with the PCD names, SKU names, offsets, values and size, in the build output FV directory. The VPDTOOL will be called using the two flags and the file generated by the build system as an argument. Any custom tool that is used to create the VPD data must support these two flags and take the input text file that was generated by the build system.

<Tool> -o Filename.bin -m Filename.map Filename.txt

Once the tool completes, if the PCD offsets have been calculated by the tool, the map file generated by the tool will be read by the build system and will be used to create the header files required by the PCD drivers and binary file to be included in the flash image.

Note: The word "Filename" in the above example will be replaced by the VPDTOOL_GUID value, as in: 8C3D856A-9BE6-468E-850A-24F7A8D38E08.txt.

The format for the file created by the build system and the format of the map file required by the build system is provided in the appendix, VPD Tool. Using VPD Data for PCD Values

  1. Modify the DSC file:

    • Add "VPD_TOOL_GUID =8C3D856A-9BE6-468E-850A-24F7A8D38E08" to the [Defines] section.
    • Add at least one [PcdsDynamicVpd] or [PcdsDynamicExVpd] section.
    • For numeric or boolean PCDs allowing the tool to determine offsets automatically, add an entry for each PCD using the following format:
      <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCname> | * | <Value>
    • For VOID* PCDs allowing the tool to determine offsets and reserved size automatically, add an entry for each PCD using the following format:
      <PcdTokenSpaceGuidCName>.<PcdCname> | * | <MaxSize> | <Value>

    If using automatic offset feature, the build tools byte-align numeric values, while VOID* PCD types will be aligned using the following rules:

    • ASCII strings, "string" or 'string', will be byte aligned.
    • Unicode strings, L"string" or L'string' will be two-byte aligned.
    • Byte arrays, {0x00, 0x01} will be 8-byte aligned.

    If the developer manually assigns offset values in the DSC file, the developer must follow the same rules.

    Note: If a developer manually sets the offset of a VOID* PCD with Unicode string, L"string"/L'string' style to a value that is not 2-byte aligned, then an error is generated and the build halts.

    Note: If a developer manually sets the offset of a VOID* PCD with byte array {} style to a value that is not 8-byte aligned, then a warning is generated, but the build will continue.

  2. Modify the FDF file:

    • Create a Region for storing the VPD binary data in the [FD] section, the offset and size of the region must be specified.
    • The starting address of the VPD data region must be 8-byte aligned (the BaseTools must halt with an appropriate error message if the address is not correctly aligned).
    • The PcdVpdBaseAddress PCD must be specified immediately after the region declaration.
    • Add the FILE statement to the region with the name of the VPD binary generated by the VPD tool.
     # VPD Data Region
     FILE = $(OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)/$(TARGET)_$(TOOL_CHAIN_TAG)/FV/8C3D856A-9BE6468E-850A-24F7A8D38E08.bin