10.1 Service Binding Protocol Implementations

The implementation of the Service Binding Protocol for a specific driver is typically found in the file <<DriverName>>.c. This file typically contains the following:

  • Add global variable for the EFI_SRVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL instance to <<DriverName>>.c.
  • Implementation of the CreateChild() service.
  • Implementation of the DestroyChild() service.
  • If the UEFI Driver follows the UEFI Driver Model, install all the Service Binding Protocol in the Driver Binding Protocol Start() function.
  • If the UEFI Driver follows the UEFI Driver Model, uninstall all the Service Binding Protocol in the Driver Binding Protocol Stop() function.
  • If the UEFI Driver is a Service Driver, install all the Service Binding Protocol in the driver entry point.
  • If the UEFI Driver is a Service Driver that supports the unload feature, then uninstall all the Service Binding Protocol in the Unload() function.

The example below shows the protocol interface structure for the Service Binding Protocol for reference. It is composed of the two services called CreateChild() and DestroyChild().

Example 124-Service Binding Protocol

/// The EFI_SERVICE_BINDING_PROTOCOL provides member functions to create
/// and destroy child handles. A driver is responsible for adding
/// protocols to the child handle in CreateChild() and removing protocols
/// in DestroyChild(). It is also required that the CreateChild()
/// function opens the parent protocol BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER to establish
/// the parent-child relationship, and closes the protocol in
/// DestroyChild(). The pseudo code for CreateChild() and DestroyChild()
/// is provided to specify the required behavior, not to specify the
/// required implementation. Each consumer of a software protocol is
/// responsible for calling CreateChild() when it requires the protocol
/// and calling DestroyChild() when it is finished with that protocol.