11.3.2 Bus Drivers and Hybrid Drivers

There are many levels of support a bus driver or hybrid driver may provide for the Component Name Protocols. These drivers can choose to provide a driver name as described in the section of this chapter on GetDriverName(). They can also choose to provide names for the bus controllers they manage and to not provide any names for the children they produce (such as the device drivers described the previous section). This discussion explains what bus drivers and hybrid drivers need to do to provide human-readable names for the child handles they produce. The human-readable names for child handles can be provided through static or dynamic controller name tables.

Note: It is recommended that bus drivers and hybrid drivers provide controller names for both the bus controller and the child controllers these types of drivers produce. Implementing controller names for only the bus controller or only the child controllers is discouraged.

Bus drivers and hybrid drivers implementing the Component Name Protocols must verify that ControllerHandle and ChildHandle represent a device the driver is currently managing. In addition, GetControllerName() must verify the requested Language is in the set of languages the UEFI Driver supports. The following example shows the steps required to check these parameters. If these checks pass, the controller name is returned in the requested language. In this specific example, the driver opens the PCI I/O Protocol in its Driver Binding Start() function. This is why gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid is used in the call to the EDK II Library UefiLib function EfiTestManagedDevice() that checks to see if the UEFI Drivers providing the GetControllerName() service is currently managing ControllerHandle. If the private context structure is required, then typically the UEFI Boot Service OpenProtocol() is used to open one of the protocols on ControllerHandle that the UEFI Driver produced and then uses a CR() based macro to retrieve a pointer to the private context structure.

Note: If ChildHandle is NULL, a request is made for the name of the bus controller. If ChildHandle is not NULL, a request is made for the name of a child controller managed by the UEFI Driver.

Example 136-GetControllerName() for a Bus Driver or Hybrid Driver
#include <Uefi.h>
#include <Protocol/ComponentName2.h>
#include <Protocol/PciIo.h>
#include <Library/UefiLib.h>

EFI_UNICODE_STRING_TABLE mAbcControllerNameTable[] = {
  { "eng;en", (CHAR16 *)L"ABC Bus Controller in English"},
  { "fra;fr", (CHAR16 *)L"ABC Bus Controller in French"},
  { "spa;sp", (CHAR16 *)L"ABC Bus Controller in Spanish"},
  { NULL, NULL }

  { "eng;en", (CHAR16 *)L"ABC Child Controller in English"},
  { "fra;fr", (CHAR16 *)L"ABC Child Controller in French"},
  { "spa;sp", (CHAR16 *)L"ABC Child Controller in Spanish"},
  { NULL, NULL }

AbcGetControllerName (
  IN  EFI_HANDLE                    ControllerHandle,
  IN  EFI_HANDLE                    ChildHandle,       OPTIONAL
  IN  CHAR8                         *Language,
  OUT CHAR16                        **ControllerName
  EFI_STATUS                        Status;
  EFI_UNICODE_STRING_TABLE          *NameTable;

  // Make sure this driver is currently managing ControllerHandle
  Status = EfiTestManagedDevice (
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  if (ChildHandle == NULL) {
    NameTable = mAbcControllerNameTable;
  } else {
    // If ChildHandle is not NULL, then make sure this driver produced ChildHandle
    Status = EfiTestChildHandle (
    if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
      return Status;
    NameTable = mAbcChildNameTable;

  return LookupUnicodeString2 (
           (BOOLEAN)(This != &gAbcComponentName2)

The static tables for the controller names and the child names can be substituted with dynamic tables. This substitution requires the private context structure to be updated along with the Start() and Stop() services of the Driver Binding Protocol. The previous section explains how this update is done for the controller names. The exact same technique can be applied to child controllers.