31.4.1 Configuring DebugLib with EDK II

The EDK II provides several methods to manage the DebugLib macros. These include:


  • DebugLib library instances

  • DebugLib Platform Configuration Database (PCD) settings MDEPKG_NDEBUG Define

If MDEPKG_NDEBUG is defined when a UEFI Driver is built, then all the DebugLib macros used by a UEFI Driver are removed. This provides a smaller executable, but all debug log messages, assert condition checks, and debug code are removed from the UEFI Driver that is produced by the EDK II build. The example below shows the addition of a [BuildOptions] section to the DSC files from Chapter 30. It forces MDEPKG_NDEBUG to be defined for RELEASE builds, which means all the DebugLib macros are disabled when the -b RELEASE flag is used when building a UEFI Driver.

Example 266-EDK II Package DSC File with Build Options
  MSFT:RELEASE_*_*_CC_FLAGS  = /D MDEPKG_NDEBUG DebugLib Library Instances

The MdePkg provides 4 different implementations of the DebugLib library class. These are:

  • MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibNull/BaseDebugLibNull.inf

  • MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibConOut/BaseDebugLibConOut.inf

  • MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibStdErr/BaseDebugLibStdErr.inf

  • MdePkg/Library/BaseDebugLibSerialPort/BaseDebugLibSerialPort.inf BaseDebugLibNull is an implementation of the DebugLib with empty worker functions. This means the DebugLib macros are mapped to empty worker functions, so if the library instances is used by a UEFI Driver, no debug log messages, assert condition checks, or debug code are active. Using this library mapping is not as small as using MDEPKG_NDEBUG, but switching to this library mapping does not require a rebuild of the UEFI Driver sources.

BaseDebugLibStdErr is the recommended library instance for UEFI drivers that are being debugged and is the library that is used in the example DSC file in Chapter 30. This sends all messages to the Standard Error console in the UEFI System Table. If there is no output, then the likely cause is that the Standard Error device is not configured. Use the platform setup to configure the Standard Error.

BaseDebugLibConOut may be used as a substitute for BaseDebugLibStdErr when it is not possible to get the Standard Error console configured. This sends all messages to the Standard Output console in the UEFI System Table. This mixes debug messages with the normal console activity, so the display may be difficult to read, and since most UEFI consoles do not support scroll up operations, it may be difficult to see the messages when many are displayed.

BaseDebugLibSerialPort is not a UEFI conformant DebugLib. It directly accesses serial port hardware through a SerialPortLib library instance. This can be useful when debugging UEFI Drivers that execute before UEFI consoles are initialized, such as UEFI Drivers that are loaded and executed from a PCI Option ROM. When this library instance is used, the UEFI Driver writer must know that there is a serial port available on the target platform under test and must configure a SerialPortLib with for the attributes of the specific serial port that is to be used. DebugLib Platform Configuration Database Settings

The MdePkg library class DebugLib uses several Platform Configuration Database (PCD) setting to control the behavior of the DebugLib macros. The token names for these PCD settings are as follows:

  • gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPropertyMask

  • gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel

  • gEfiMdePkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdDebugClearMemoryValue

PcdDebugPropertyMask provides fine grain control over the macros provided by the DebugLib. The previous two sections discuss how to disable the entire DebugLib and how to select different DebugLib library instances. PcdDebugPropertryMask is a bit mask that allows individual DebugLib macro types to be enabled or disabled. The example below shows the bitmask definitions. 0x01 enables ASSERT() macros. 0x02 enables DEBUG() macros. 0x04 enables the 3 DEBUG_CODE() macros. 0x08 enables the

DEBUG_CLEAR_MEMORY() macro. 0x10 and 0x20 control the behavior of the ASSERT() macro if the assert condition evaluates to FALSE. 0x10 causes a CPU breakpoint to be generated, which is useful if a source level debugger is being used, and 0x20 causes the CPU to enter an infinite loop so execution of the UEFI Driver stops.

// Declare bits for PcdDebugPropertyMask

Example 267-PcdDebugPropertyMask bitmask PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel provides a bitmask of the debug error levels that are currently enabled. The debug print error levels are shown in the Error Levels table above. Any combination of the values can be set in the bitmask. If a bit is set, then DEBUG() macros with that same ErrorLevel bit set are printed.

PcdDebugClearMemoryValue provides the 8-bit byte value to use when

DEBUG_CLEAR_MEMORY() macros are used. This value is typically set to 0x00, but it is usually a good idea to try a few different values to make sure code is not improperly using buffer contents that have been cleared.

The following example shows the addition of a [PcdsFixedAtBuild] section to the DSC files from Chapter 30. It sets PcdDebugPropertyMask so DEBUG(), ASSERT(), and DEBUG_CODE() macros are enabled and a breakpoint is generated when an ASSERT() is triggered. It also sets the PcdDebugPrintErrorLevel at a fairly high verbosity level with DEBUG_ERROR, DEBUG_INFO, DEBUG_LOAD, DEBUG_WARN, and DEBUG_INIT all enabled. Finally, it configures PcdDebugClearMemoryValue so DEBUG_CLEAR_MEMORY() macros, when they are enabled, fill buffers with 0x00.

Example 268-EDK II Package DSC File with Build Options