A.5.1 Protocol File Template

The .h files for protocols are placed in the include directories of EDK II packages. The typical path to a protocol .h file is <<PackageName>>/Include/Protocol/<<ProtocolName>>.h. For example, all the protocols defined in the UEFI Specification can be found in the EDK II MdePkg in /MdePkg/Include/Protocol. When a new protocol is defined and added to an include directory of an EDK II package, the protocol must also be added to the [Protocols] section of a package's .dec file. The .dec file is where the C variable name for the protocol is declared and mapped to GUID value for the protocol. Defining a new protocol is not commonly required when implementing a new UEFI Driver. If a UEFI Driver implementation does require a new protocol definition, then the new protocol is usually added to the same EDK II package that contains the UEFI Driver implementation.

The example below shows a template for adding a new protocol to the [Protocols] section of an EDK II package .dec file. Example A-26 shows the template for the .h files for protocols placed in the include directory of an EDK II package.

Example A-26-Add protocol to an EDK II package
  gEfi<<ProtocolName>>ProtocolGuid = <<GUID_STRUCT>>
Example A-27-Protocol include file template
/** @file

#ifndef __<<PROTOCOL_NAME>>_H__
#define __<<PROTOCOL_NAME>>_H__


/// Forward declaration

/// Function prototypes
  IN EFI_<<PROTOCOL_NAME>>_PROTOCOL             *This
  // Place additional function arguments here

typedef EFI_STATUS
  IN EFI_<<PROTOCOL_NAME>>_PROTOCOL              *This
  // Place additional function arguments here

typedef EFI_STATUS
  IN EFI_<<PROTOCOL_NAME>>_PROTOCOL              *This
  // Place additional function arguments here

/// Protocol structure
typedef struct_EFI_<<PROTOCOL_NAME>>_PROTOCOL {
  EFI_<<PROTOCOL_NAME>>_<<FUNCTION_NAME_1>>  <<FunctionName1>>;
  EFI_<<PROTOCOL_NAME>>_<<FUNCTION_NAME_2>>  <<FunctionName2>>;
  // . . .
  EFI_<<PROTOCOL_NAME>>_<<FUNCTION_NAME_N>>  <<FunctionNameN>>;
  // Place protocol data fields here

extern EFI_GUID gEfi <<ProtocolName>>ProtocolGuid;
