15.1 Driver Family Override Protocol Implementation

The implementation of the Driver Family Override Protocol is typically found in the file DriverFamilyOverride.c. Appendix A contains a template for a DriverFamilyOverride.c file for a UEFI Driver. The list of tasks to implement the Driver Family Override Protocol feature follow:

  • Add global variable for the EFI_DRIVER_FAMILY_OVERRIDE_PROTOCOL instance to DriverFamilyOverride.c.
  • Implement the GetVersion() service of the Driver Family Override Protocol in DriverFamilyOverride.c.
  • Install the Driver Family Override Protocol onto the same handle that the Driver Binding Protocol is installed.
  • If the UEFI Driver produces multiple Driver Binding Protocols, install the Driver Family Override Protocol on the same handles as that of the Driver Binding Protocol.
  • If the UEFI Driver supports the unload feature, uninstall all the Driver Family Override Protocol instances in the Unload() function.

The Driver Family Override Protocol contains one service called GetVersion() that returns version value used by the UEFI Boot Service ConnectController() to determine the order of Driver Binding Protocol used to start a specific controller. If the Driver Family Override Protocol is present, it is higher priority than the Bus Specific Driver Override Protocol, but lower than the Platform Driver Override Protocol. See the Chapter 3 and the Protocol Handler Services section of the UEFI Specification for details on how the UEFI Boot Service ConnectController() selects the best UEFI Driver to manage a specific controller.

For reference, the example below shows the protocol interface structure for the Driver Family Override Protocol. It is composed of a single service called GetVersion().

Example 157-Driver Family Override Protocol

/// When installed, the Driver Family Override Protocol produces a GUID that
/// represents a family of drivers. Drivers with the same GUID are members of
/// the same family. When drivers are connected to controllers, drivers with a
/// higher revision value in the same driver family are connected with a higher
/// priority than drivers with a lower revision value in the same driver family.
/// The EFI Boot Service ConnectController() uses five rules to build a prioritized
/// list of drivers when a request is made to connect a driver to a controller.
/// The Driver Family Protocol rule is between the Platform Specific Driver
/// Override Protocol and above the Bus Specific Driver Override Protocol.

The following example declares a global variable called gAbcDriverFamilyOverride with the single service called AbcGetVersion(). The UEFI Boot Service InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces() is used to install the Driver Family Override Protocol instance gAbcDriverFamilyOverride onto the same ImageHandle as which the Driver Binding Protocol instance gAbcDriverBinding is installed.

Example 158-Install Driver Family Override Protocol
#include <Uefi.h>
#include <Protocol/DriverBinding.h>
#include <Protocol/DriverFamilyOverride.h>
#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
#include <Library/DebugLib.h>

#define ABC_VERSION 0x10



AbcDriverEntryPoint (
  IN EFI_HANDLE                  ImageHandle,
  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE            *SystemTable
  EFI_STATUS Status;
  // Install driver model protocol(s) on ImageHandle
  Status = EfiLibInstallDriverBinding (
             ImageHandle,        // ImageHandle
             SystemTable,        // SystemTable
             &gAbcDriverBinding, // DriverBinding
             ImageHandle         // DriverBindingHandle

  // Install Driver Family Override Protocol onto ImageHandle
  Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces (

  return Status;