31.4 Debugging code statements

A UEFI Driver may be implemented to support both a debug (check) build and a production build. The debug build includes code that helps debug a UEFI Driver that is not included in normal production builds. UEFI Driver sources are typically implemented with all the debug build statements included. The DSC file used to build the UEFI Driver with the EDK II build tools contains statements to select a debug build or a production build with no source changes to the UEFI Driver.

The EDK II library class called DebugLib provides macros that can be used to insert debug code into a checked build. This debug code can greatly reduce the amount of time it takes to root cause a bug. These macros are typically enabled only for debug builds and disabled in production builds so as to not take up any executable space. The macros available through the DebugLib include:

  • ASSERT (Expression)



  • DEBUG ((ErrorLevel, Format,. .))



  • DEBUG_CODE (Expression)

  • DEBUG_CLEAR_MEMORY (Address, Length)

  • CR (Record, TYPE, Field, Signature)

These macros are described in details in the MdePkg documentation available from http://www.tianocore.org. The ErrorLevel parameter passed into the DEBUG() macro allows a UEFI driver to assign a different error level to each debug message, which allows debug messages to be filtered. The DSC files required to build a UEFI Driver can be used to set the ErrorLevel filter mask. The UEFI Shell also supports the Err command that allows the user to set the error level filter mask.

TIP: Use a serial port as a standard error device during debug. This a terminal emulator to be used to log debug messages to a file.

The table below contains the list of error levels that are supported in the UEFI Shell. Other levels are usable, but not defined for a specific area.

Table 46-Error levels
Mnemonic Value Description
DEBUG_INIT 0x00000001 Initialization
DEBUG_WARN 0x00000002 Warnings
DEBUG_INFO 0x00000040 Information messages
DEBUG_ERROR 0x80000000 Error messages.
DEBUG_FS 0x00000008 Used by UEFI Drivers that produce the Simple File System Protocol.
DEBUG_BLKIO 0x00001000 Used by UEFI Drivers that produce the Block I/O Protocols.
DEBUG_NET 0x00004000 Used by UEFI Drivers that produce the network protocols other than NII and UNDI.
DEBUG_UNDI 0x00010000 Used by UEFI Drivers that produce the NII Protocol and UNI interface.
DEBUG_LOADFILE 0x00020000 Used by UEFI Drivers that produce the Load File Protocol.
DEBUG_EVENT 0x00080000 Event messages. Used from event notification functions of UEFI Drivers.
DEBUG_LOAD 0x00000004 Load events. DO NOT USE.
DEBUG_POOL 0x00000010 Pool allocations & frees. DO NOT USE.
DEBUG_PAGE 0x00000020 Page allocations & frees. DO NOT USE.
DEBUG_DISPATCH 0x00000080 PEI/DXE/SMM Dispatchers. DO NOT USE.
DEBUG_VARIABLE 0x00000100 Variable. DO NOT USE.
DEBUG_BM 0x00000400 Boot Manager. DO NOT USE.
DEBUG_GCD 0x00100000 Global Coherency Database changes. DO NOT USE.
DEBUG_CACHE 0x00200000 Memory range cache state changes. DO NOT USE.