1.2 Organization of this document

This document is not intended to be read front to back. Use it more as a cookbook for developing and implementing drivers. The following table describes the organization of this document.

Table 1-Organization of the UEFI Driver Writers Guide
Chapter Description
1. Introduction Introduction and list of references related to UEFI Driver development.
2. Checklist Checklist, or basic recipe, for UEFI Driver development.
3. Foundation Foundation and terms related to UEFI Driver development.
4-17. Common Features Recommendations for features common to most UEFI Driver types. Many of these features are optional and inclusion of them depends on the requirements for a specific UEFI Driver.
18-21. Industry Standard Busses Recommendations for UEFI Drivers that manage controllers on Industry standard buses such as PCI, USB, SCSI and SATA.
22-27. Console and OS Boot Devices Recommendations for UEFI Drivers that produce protocols that directly or indirectly provide services for a UEFI Boot Manager to initialize consoles and boot a UEFI conformant operating system from a boot device. This includes text consoles, serial ports, graphical consoles, mass storage devices, network devices and boot devices not defined by the UEFI Specification.
28-29. CPU Specific Special considerations for IPF and EBC platforms.
30-32. Build/Release Best practices for building, testing, debugging and distributing UEFI Drivers.
Appendix A. File Templates Source file templates for UEFI Drivers, Protocols, GUIDs, and Library Classes
Appendix B. EDK II Drivers Table of UEFI Driver features found in EDK II driver implementations.
Appendix C. Glossary Glossary of terms used in this guide.