13.2.1 Device Drivers

Device drivers that implement RunDiagnostics() must verify that ChildHandle is NULL and that ControllerHandle represents a device that the device driver is currently managing. In addition, RunDiagnostics() must verify that the requested Language is in the set of languages that the UEFI Driver supports. The following example shows the steps required to check these parameters. If these checks pass, the diagnostic are executed and results are returned. In this specific example, the driver opens the PCI I/O Protocol in its Driver Binding Start() function. This is why gEfiPciIoProtocolGuid is used in the call to the EDK II Library UefiLib function EfiTestManagedDevice() that checks to see if the UEFI Drivers that is providing this RunDiagnostics() service is currently managing ControllerHandle. If the private context structure is required, typically the UEFI Boot Service OpenProtocol() is used to open one of the UEFI Driver produced protocols on ControllerHandle and then use a CR() based macro to retrieve a pointer to the private context structure.

Example 148-RunDiagnostics() for a Device Driver
#include <Uefi.h>
#include <Protocol/DriverDiagnostics2.h>
#include <Protocol/PciIo.h>
#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiLib.h>

AbcRunDiagnostics (
  IN  EFI_HANDLE                        ControllerHandle,
  IN  EFI_HANDLE                        ChildHandle,       OPTIONAL
  IN  EFI_DRIVER_DIAGNOSTIC_TYPE        DiagnosticType,
  IN  CHAR8                             *Language,
  OUT EFI_GUID                          **ErrorType,
  OUT UINTN                             *BufferSize,
  OUT CHAR16                            **Buffer
  EFI_STATUS  Status;
  CHAR8       *SupportedLanguages;
  BOOLEAN     Rfc4646Language;
  BOOLEAN     Found;
  UINTN       Index;

  // ChildHandle must be NULL for a Device Driver
  if (ChildHandle != NULL) {

  // Make sure this driver is currently managing ControllerHandle
  Status = EfiTestManagedDevice (
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Check input parameters
  if (Language == NULL || ErrorType == NULL ||
      BufferSize == NULL || Buffer == NULL ) {

  // Make sure Language is in the set of Supported Languages
  SupportedLanguages = This->SupportedLanguages;
  Rfc4646Language = (BOOLEAN)(This == &gAbcDriverDiagnostics2);
  Found = FALSE;
  while (*SupportedLanguages != 0) {
    if (Rfc4646Language) {
      for (Index = 0;
           SupportedLanguages[Index] != 0 && SupportedLanguages[Index] != ';
      if ((AsciiStrnCmp (SupportedLanguages, Language, Index) == 0) &&
          (Language[Index] == 0)) {
        Found = TRUE;
      SupportedLanguages += Index;
      for (;
           *SupportedLanguages != 0 && *SupportedLanguages == ';
    } else {
      if (CompareMem (Language, SupportedLanguages, 3) == 0) {
        Found = TRUE;
      SupportedLanguages += 3;
  // If Language is not a member of SupportedLanguages, then return EFI_UNSUPPORTED
  if (!Found) {

  // Perform Diagnostics Algorithm on ControllerHandle for the
  // type of diagnostics requested in DiagnosticsType
  // Return results in ErrorType, Buffer, and BufferSize
  // If Diagnostics Algorithm fails, then return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

To verify the operation of the controller, diagnostic algorithms typically use the services of the protocols the driver produces and the services of the protocols the driver consumes. For example, a PCI device driver that consumes the PCI I/O Protocol and produces the Block I/O Protocol can use the services of the PCI I/O Protocol to verify the operation of the PCI controller. Use the Block I/O Services to verify that the entire driver is working as expected.