3.4 Required Functions

The following functions are required to exist and to execute in the listed order. The component that provides the function is not specified because it is not required by the architecture.

* In the common EDK II open source code.

3.4.1 Required SEC functions

Name Purpose
ResetHandler (*) The reset vector invoked by silicon
TempRamInit Silicon initializes temporary memory
TestPointTempMemoryFunction Test temporary memory functionality
SecStartup (*) First C code execution, constructs PEI input
TestPointEndOfSec Verify state before switching to PEI
Table 9 Stage I SEC Functions

3.4.2 Required PEI functions

Name Purpose
PeiCore (*) PEI entry point
PeiDispatcher (*) Calls the entry points of PEIM
ReportPreMemFv Installs firmware volumes required in pre-memory
BoardDetect Board detection of the motherboard type
BoardDebugInit Board specific initialization for debug device
PlatformHookSerialPortInitialize Board serial port initialization. Called from SEC or PEI
TestPointDebugInitDone Verify debug functionality
Table 10 Stage I PEI Functions