7.2 Firmware Volumes

Stage V supports key security features. Additional FV are:

Name Content Compressed Parent FV
FvSecurity Security related modules No None
NvStorage Real NV storage on flash No None
Table 53 Stage V Firmware Volumes

Which yields this example extension of the flash map for MMIO storage (add to Stage I - IV map):

Binary FV Components Purpose
Stage V FvSecurity.fv Tcg2Dxe.efi TPM2 services
Tcg2ConfigDxe.efi TPM2 configuration UI.
Tcg2PlatformDxe.efi TPM2 platform module.
Tcg2Smm.efi TPM2 ACPI services.
TcgMor.efi TCG Memory Override support
IntelVTdPmrPei.efi IOMMU PEI services.
IntelVTdDxe.efi IOMMU DXE services.
SecurityStubDxe.efi Provide security architecture protocol.
FaultTolerantWriteSmm.efi Fault-tolerant services in SMM.
VariableSmm.efi Provide Variable service in SMM.
VariableSmmRuntimeDxe.efi Provide Variable service in UEFI.
SecureBootConfigDxe.efi SecureBoot configuration UI.
Additional Components Additional post-memory components required for Stage V boot
Table 54 Stage V FV and Components Layout

See Appendix: Full FV Map for a more complete example Firmware Volume layout.