4.2 Firmware Volumes

Stage II leverages most of the Stage I content. Additional firmware volumes include:

Name Content Compressed Parent FV
FvPostMemory Post-memory modules Yes None
FvBsp.fv Post-memory board support Yes None
Table 15 Stage II Firmware Volumes

Which yields this example extension of the flash map for MMIO storage (append to Stage I map):

Binary FV Components Purpose
Stage II FvPostMemory.fv ReadOnlyVariable.efi Common core variable services
SiliconPolicyPeiPostMemory.efi Publishes silicon initialization configuration
PlatformInitPostMemory.efi Performs post memory initialization
DxeIpl.efi Load and invoke DXE
ResetSystemRuntimeDxe.efi Provides reset service
PciHostBridge.efi PCI host bridge driver
Additional Components Additional post-memory components required for Stage II boot
FvBsp.fv Additional Components Post-memory board support components
Table 16 Stage II FV and Component Layout

See Appendix: Full FV Map for a more complete example Firmware Volume layout.