8.2 Firmware Volumes

Stage VI enables advanced features. There is a container FV for adding advanced features:

Name Content Compressed Parent FV
FvAdvancedPreMemory Advanced feature drivers that should be dispatched prior to memory initialization No None
FvAdvanced Advanced feature drivers that should be dispatched after memory initialization Yes None
Table 67 Stage VI Firmware Volumes

Which yields this example extension of the flash map for MMIO storage (append to Stage I-Stage V map):

Binary FV Components Purpose
Stage VI FvAdvancedPreMemory.fv FeatureStack1.fv Feature 1
Additional Feature Stacks Additional pre-memory advanced features
FvAdvanced.fv FeatureStack1.fv Feature 1
FeatureStack2.fv Feature 2
FeatureStack3.fv Feature 3
Additional Feature Stacks Additional advanced features

The modules that constitute a particular feature are not required to be contained within a single firmware volume and this might especially be the case in systems with limited flash storage capacity which could be impacted by firmware volume alignment requirements.

Table 68 Stage VI FV and Component Layout

The PEI core will create a FV HOB for each child firmware volume such that each DXE firmware volume is exposed to the DXE dispatcher.