5.2 Firmware Volumes

Stage III finalizes silicon and prepares DXE/BDS services. Additional firmware volumes include:

Name Content Compressed Parent FV
FvUefiBoot Common DXE/BDS Services Yes None
Table 27 Stage III Firmware Volumes

Which yields this example extension of the flash map for MMIO storage (add to Stage I + II map):

Binary FV Components Purpose
Stage III FvUefiBoot.fv DxeCore.efi DXE services and dispatcher
PcdDxe.efi Provides PCD services
ReportStatusCodeRouterDxe.efi Provides status code infrastructure
StatusCodeHandlerRuntimeDxe.efi Provides status code listeners
BdsDxe.efi Provides Boot Device Selection phase
CpuDxe.efi Provides processor services
Metronome.efi Provides metronome HW abstraction
MonotonicCounterRuntimeDxe.efi Provides monotonic counter service
PcatRealTimeClockRuntimeDxe.efi Provides RTC abstraction
WatchdogTimer.efi Provides watchdog timer service
RuntimeDxe.efi Provides UEFI runtime service functionality
HpetTimerDxe.efi Provide timer service
EmuVariableRuntimeDxe.efi Provides UEFI variable service
CapsuleRuntimeDxe.efi Provides capsule service
PciBusDxe.efi PCI bus driver
GraphicsOutputDxe.efi Provides graphics support
TerminalDxe.efi Provides terminal services
GraphicsConsoleDxe.efi Provides graphics console
ConSplitterDxe.efi Provides multi console support
EnglishDxe.efi Provides Unicode collation services
GenericMemoryTestDxe.efi Provide memory test
DevicePathDxe.efi Provides device path services
DiskIo.efi Provides disk IO services
Partition.efi Provides disk partition services
Fat.efi Provides FAT filesystem services
Additional Components Additional post-memory components required for Stage III boot
Table 28 Stage III FV and Component Layout

See Appendix: Full FV Map for a more complete example Firmware Volume layout.